I'm pretty sure you'd need to find a way to get yourself inside his head, because that's the only place these "Millennials" actually exist.
I'm pretty sure you'd need to find a way to get yourself inside his head, because that's the only place these "Millennials" actually exist.
They appear to have no shame, no sense of privacy, no modesty, and no concern about their reputations. They treat sex like another form of recreation, like videogames only messier. They want to have commitment-free fun, and they want it now.
That's the second time I've heard this story lately - though I recall the same result being achieved in the other one through a completely different method of discovery (the side effect of a drug being used to treat something completely different, if I recall correctly). Clearly not a good year for baldness.
Depends. Do they have Tom Selleck behind them?
I've always found writing, symbols, and logos on clothes distracting. I suppose there are a few contexts in which it can work, but it usually seems to detract more from the overall look and sense of style than it ever adds.
A flat, undeveloped condition of the bust — it is not a natural one — may be remedied without great difficulty. The best way to do so is by massage.
That's him, alright. It's like they've somehow managed to embody every single negative stereotype about their generation, from the racism to the sexism to the homophobia (he claims to be fine with them, as long as they don't "flaunt" themselves by "waltzing down main street in their bondage gear") to the complaints…
Did he, by chance, grow up in the fifties? Because mine did, and seems permanently stuck in that decade, and considers it the high point of human civilization.
That's probably the one greatest flaw of these sorts of websites - they're great at offering you a lot of options, but not so good when it comes to filtering out the incompatible or downright offensive (I suppose some have ratings systems, which is better than nothing). Though you do learn some interesting things in…
Not in the same sense for weight, I think, unless she bothers you about not being large enough or muscular enough, or living up to the Schwarzenegger ideal.
Take solace in the fact that the only reason they're online is because they couldn't find anyone in their own lives willing to go along with their idiocy?
Harder still if you're hoping to find someone that shares your particular interests - especially if they're not mainstream interests. It's one thing to pick someone out of a crowd at random and hope they're a good match - try doing so while hoping they share your passions for pre-Columbian art and Icelandic cuisine!
I dearly hope not. If so, I apologize for inflicting them on you - us?
Ask me a month ago, and I'd have been there with you. It's not exactly my preferred format, but I suppose it's better than absolutely nothing, which is where I was before. Now at least I'm at nothing-with-a-chance-of-something.
I don't expect a whole lot out of it (not a lot of matches - or people - within my range), but I do browse occasionally as a reminder that there are like-minded people still out there, even if they are rare. It's been good for that much, at least.
I haven't had any luck with it yet, but I have noticed far more like-minded individuals than I would ever have a hope of meeting locally. So it does have that going for it.
Don't let this go to your head
Sometimes I think that I'm exaggerating things in my head, like they always insist I am whenever I try and raise something they did or said once (the slightest hint of implied criticism makes them flip out). Then they go and say something newly horrible and offensive (usually racist, too) and I'm reminded that, no,…
I admit, it did help me build up a somewhat impressive tolerance to pain, if only so I wouldn't have to listen to them going on about character. Their other favorite saying: "be happy!" In the same tone of telling a dog to be quiet. Repeated over and over and over again. Loudly.
Character! Ye gods, character. My personal favorite? Pain builds character!