Hannibal the Cannibal

It's understandable. Children can be quite logical, and death appears as a fairly straightforward solution to their problems. As long as they're capable of grasping the concept, it must seem quite appealing when compared to their current state.

In terms of real world leaders, Bhutan probably has it best.

I think that might be the worst thing about him: that this is his idea of love.

Fitz is five years younger than Cyrus. Think about that.

By the way, has anyone heard of this thing where you wait and see the kind of kid you have before you murder-fuck a preschool admissions officer to get them into baby Harvard? And then you nurture the skills and interests of that kid? And you try to make sure they are well rounded? And that genuinely being well

I'd definitely be interested in seeing the results of that.

On a peripherally-related note, he's also an occasional actor, which is where I first saw him as the most unlikely-looking secret criminal syndicate's hitman in history.

The low voice of men, like stags, is a trait that probably evolved through sexual selection.

I'm not normally much of a shooter fan - but the Vegas games are by far my favorite in the genre. Even the multiplayer was entertaining - though few play it anymore, and I gave up after growing tired of those who did (this one guy just couldn't believe that anyone could do better than he did without cheating: sadly,

Those lips are...awfully pink.

That was indeed young Stalin.

More or less my first reaction to it: since when did they get Matt Bomer to play young Stalin?

Though, even twenty or so years later, he was still doing pretty well. Lenin pulls off the facial hair better, but the face beneath it still looks pretty good.

A very unique kind of unpleasant, I imagine.

"Plus, I play a butchy girl all the time, so they assume I'm a lesbo." And that's when Rodriguez said, "Eh, they're not too far off."

This picture never ceases to amaze me:

Because I have no expectations or illusions. All love is conditional. Family, friends, partners, they all sign up with a certain set of expectations and the acknowledgement that they may not hang around if circumstances change. I hardly have the right to insist they value me equally regardless of whether I'm a

Because it's sufficiently common that you're not going to have an easy time picking someone who doesn't out of a crowd? Even family and friends do it: if you limit your dating pool to people who don't care even the slightest about how much money you're making, you're looking at an incredibly small number of options.

Good luck with your search. I'd have suggested Canada as a somewhat closer option, but then you'd merely be switching seasons and sports: hockey is to us as football is to Americans, though I've never understood the appeal myself.

I'd say try England, but I suppose that would depend on how broad your aversion to football is.

Rather than determining your place, it sounds more like you're dealing with conflicting expectations. You have where you want to be, and where other people think you should be. The question of questions, is which you place more importance on.