With their loyal sidekicks, Podrick and Hot Pie!
With their loyal sidekicks, Podrick and Hot Pie!
That's probably exactly why Bran the-allknowing-breakfast-cereal gave it to her.
He lost the gold when his horse fell over. And spent a second or two thinking about whether he should stop to pick it up before running from the Dothraki headed his way.
But he's a really *big* wolf!
It would probably help if Drogon was a little quieter before he comes in with fire. He seems to scream out just before he comes in for the kill.
I thought it was his death scene too.
Falling into deep water wearing armor and a strapped on gold hand doesn't seem like the kind of thing he'd survive.
Agreed…see also Ned talking to Bran about visions.
Yes, maybe that kind of opened the door for it.
Never go with a hippie to a second location.
which reminds me…Sarah seemed to sense that Mrs. S was dead, injured or at least in trouble. The Sarah-Helena > Kira line of Leda seems to definitely have some supernatural sense about people close to them.
Well, I don't really blame Sansa for the death of Lady. IIRC That was Joffrey acting like an a** getting bit by Nymaria; and Ned deciding Lady could be killed in Nymaria's place after Arya chased her direwolf off. Sansa really didn't have much control over that.
Seriously…every episode, Jon surprises Sansa with some major decision and then faces off with her in front of all the lords of the North and Littlefinger. Ygritte was right "You know nothing, Jon Snow"
We can only hope.
I hope he doesn't…I pretty much done with Theon at this point.
Urgh! I wanted to like it, I really did.
But whoever came up with Enterprise must have been under the impression that The Omegy Glory-trek is the Best!Trek!Ever!
How have I never noticed before how much Ron Howard's AD narrations sound exactly like an exasperated CJ Cregg trying to explain something to Toby and Josh?
I heard Run for Your Life the other day on the radio, for the first time I actually paid attention to the lyrics. How did I never notice them before? Yikes!
Kokomo is forever ingrained on my brain, and not in a good way. One night, many many years ago, i was at a local hangdown bar, and someone thought it would be funny to load the jukebox up with quarters and play Kokomo, again and again and again… They may have slipped a John Fogerty's Centerfield in here and there,…
Oh, yeah, that one is pretty good too.