
I loved Gosford Park and didn’t have a problem with speech. But what I want to know is why Lily James is now in everything as a blonde. She’s a brunette.

I think the comment could have been worded better, but being proud to have sought out Planned Parenthood to get the information necessary to make educated reproductive choices when there were none at home is something to be proud of. So you go Jennifer, for not having gotten pregnant yet in all your 25? years of life.

If your kid is as old as Rocco and he says he wants to spend Christmas with his dad, say “ok, but I’m going to miss you, let’s set up a time to have our own celebration.” and leave it at that. Don’t call the fucking lawyer.

She and most of performers like her are in it for the money. If they were in it for the music they’d actually learn to make some.

Geoffrey Rush has been nominated for and won Oscars (hello, SHINE and THE KINGS SPEECH.

Exactly, also, being pale was highly prized by the ruling class in Egypt. Moses would have looked like a middle eastern Jew. There would have been sub-Sarharan Africans in Egypt but they weren’t ruling class. So yeah, it would be nice if they ethnically cast the movie but clearly not all Africans are dark skinned.

Didn’t she ruin the Sound of Music and the Footloose remake? Now they’re going foist her on us in Grease? Really?

Anthony Bourdain spends more time disparaging other people and acting like a supreme entitled dick while traveling the world on someone else’s dime than he actually does cooking. He disguises his white male privilege and disdain of those he blesses with his visits behind his ability to eat offal.

Shirtless Poldark star has a name and it would have taken seconds to look up Aiden Turner. Shame on you for not looking it up. But blessing for posting his shirtless gorgeousity.

Funny enough, had he just been forthcoming he wouldn’t have had to pay anyone. So yeah, still your fault. Sorry Charlie.

I just peed my pants I’m laughing so hard.

Damn, I was hoping for something like an Oprah’s favorite things and ended up with a Grommet notification.

With all the horrific killing shows on TV this one can go.

Feh, my parents gave us coffee milk as kids almost 50 years ago. We actually got a dash of caffeine with our warm milk so take that babyccino.

So you’ll just order from anywhere and hope you don’t all end up with e coli. Wonderful parenting. Learn to cook. It takes 10 minutes to boil pasta and about 2 to microwave frozen veg.

You can easily do a google or yelp search to see where the fuck the place is and if it’s reputable it will be there and have other reviews. Or are you just an idiot who throws anything on the table and hopes your kids don’t die.

Exactly. I’ve ordered from Seamless and can’t imagine putting in an order to just any place. I have to go in and look at what the place looks like before trusting them to make my food.

Wow, so the midwest doesn’t have laws about this?

I was a Blackout baby too. I was at camp during the 77 black out so I didn’t experience it.

And I was born 9 months later.