Hank Wilhelm Scream Jr

Wow, Adams really has perfected that ideal “dumb dude’s idea of a smart dude” vibe.

I’m kinda freaking out. And the system is not going to change while the winners benefit from it.

Man, just thinking about that movie now, making me want to watch it yet again! 8)

This just sounds like a stretched out version of the film, minus all the Chuck Yagear content.  I fail to see why this needs to exist. 

You know what’s going to happen, don’t you? The combination of the virus, an experimental drug, the chemicals from decades of skin dye and hair treatments, and the preservatives and hormones from a lifetime of junk food, will combine to give Trump superpowers.

Ah yes, the famously anti-Black show The Boondocks.

The fact that some of the polls are still pretty close (after all we’ve been though in the past months, let alone the past 4 years) already confirm this

I didn’t watch it but I guarantee it went just like I imagined it would. 

PELOSI: Trump doesn’t care about our democracy and is actively working to subvert it!
GAYLE KING: Yes, but you aren’t being polite. Can’t you be polite about all this?

I thought they said in an earlier episode they were going to have a guy in a green suit for Translucent and then digitally make him invisible.

I thought Dan’s advice would be hire a sex worker to handle the break-up for you.

I think AV Club legend ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER has this dead to rights:

It really seemed like she & Lucky McKee should have gone on to bigger things after “May”. At last year’s Cinepocalypse I passed up the opportunity to see the premiere of his latest in favor of Pollyanna McIntosh’s directorial debut (which was also the sequel to McKee & Bettis’ last collaboration), but from what I

You had me at Angela Bettis. So underrated and underused. 

I just always assumed Steve Miller has the worst with Texas, Facts is, Justice, taxes

What’s crazy to me is that it could have easily been a 100 MT bomb by replacing the lead tamper with uranium. That would have doubled the yield. But instead of giving the pilot a roughly 50% chance of getting far enough away to survive, it would have killed him, so they cut it back.

I had a crush on her back in the SCTV days, and I continue to have that crush to this day. She’s aged like a fine wine.

The OA was cancelled sorry. 

Maybe the real hostile working conditions were the friends we met along the way.

We must go forwards, not backwards! Upwards, not forwards! And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!