I don’t understand why someone would do this.
Personally I would love to have seen a Culture series using the money Amazon is throwing at that LOTR crap instead.
While I was explaining Jeopardy to my young daughter the other day it occurred to me it would be funny if someone’s gimmick was to answer with “is it” rather than the conventional “who/what is”
Being from Lonoke, AR (Paula Jones is in my yearbook!) I’m laughing my head off it’s been mentioned by name in every episode so far, in fact multiple times in this latest one. I’m kinda hoping this is a running joke and they work it into every episode. I just noticed the writer of the show shares my last name as well…
“We’ve found plenty of men, none with a Y chromosome.” Also such men are sterile.
It occurred to me the immediate effects of this would be almost the same as “The Snap” in the MCU with the important distinction being, of course, that most life on Earth is well and truly fucked in this case with no ability to reproduce.
Try World War Z, the novel (or even better the outstanding audio adaptation), *not* the terrible, in name only, absolutely nothing to do with the book, movie.
MENA? OK what new made up woke acronym do I have to learn this week? Shouldn’t this stuff come with hyperlink footnotes so we can keep up?
And then the moon comes crashing into the Earth, and whattya gonna do then?
See also recently in The Green Knight.
What Ang Lee’s Hulk wasn’t an unqualified success? ;)
Well obviously it’s Barry Keoghan.
I’m really bummed The Culture adaptation didn’t go through with Amazon. That’s the galaxy spanning sci-fi opera I really want to see on the screen.
Is Marc Maron now contractually obligated to star in every sub-par music biography?
Having worked from home from going on 6 years now, I’ve loved having the luxury of taking *more* (not less! LOL) showers and whenever I want. Specifically I just time my showers to be after I poop, so usually twice a day for me.
Oh I assume this is a series about Roger Corman? I’m in.
The way I keep it straight is to remember that multiple cameras can really only be used on fixed sets. It’s used to shoot more quickly and save costs as they can get multiple angles at once rather than having to reshoot to get the scene from a different angle.
multi cam is the sitcom world, single cam is the real world.
Well if you’ve got anti-gravity tech, going from “hovering” to “flying around” ain’t that much of a stretch.