Hmm, there are 3600 seconds in an hour, so there's no way a single helicopter is harvesting a 1000 an hour, that's 3.6 seconds per tree.
Hmm, there are 3600 seconds in an hour, so there's no way a single helicopter is harvesting a 1000 an hour, that's 3.6 seconds per tree.
Most actually distracting celebrity in a war film? Jimmy Fallon in Band of Brothers, hands down.
Seeing as I have no fucking clue who Harry Styles is, nor would I think most potential movie goers interested in this would, no I didn't find it distracting at all. Oh and it looks awesome!
Hey it wasn't my job to convince my dumbass racist relatives and in laws to not vote for Trump. You know why? Because I'm not going to change their fucking minds, and it makes interactions even more uncomfortable with them. You just smile and nod and move on after they explain to you why it's ok for them to use the n…
Hey there is nothing more evil than attempting to give people decent healthcare. He's history's greatest monster!
How in the hell would an actual real civil war in a modern developed country with functioning civil systems even work now anyway? Despite what a utterly simplistic interpretation of the electoral map would tell you the country really isn't divided into any clear continuous geographic ideological divides, its more…
Classic Obama, an ineffectual halfway attempt at something because he was too damn willing to comprise and not play hard ball.
I can't decide who the bigger douchebag is! Oh who am I kidding it Trump will always trump them all.
Yeah I was just thinking about this the other day when looking at a picture of Kayne's actual mansion which looks like shit too. I guess you just can't buy taste. See also Trump's "classy" gold plated properties.
I hope someone got fired for that blunder!
Yeah there are some people that just wear shorts all the time. I've worked with a few. I'm actually the exact opposite, I always wear pants except on the rare occasions I will be getting in water.
The only person I feel sorry for right now is John Cena, one can only imagine the inevitable backlash of his fan base over this.
I just want to know what's up with everyone in the first part of the 20th century all seeming to have high and whiny voices. Wasn't that supposedly due to the different film speed now being at our slightly faster standard frame rate?
Another funny thing, supposedly the American southern accent is actually closest to what a British accent was.
How does a broadcast show have a red band trailer? Fox turned into a hard core porn channel so slowly I barely noticed.
Including the "deaths" of things that are already dead doesn't really make any sense.
Somehow I'm even worse than Stephen!
Wait a minute, this is on off brand Hemsworth! Accept no substitutes!
and don't forgot the reason. He's putting them under citizen's arrest for violating his free speech.