Hank Wellman

She's doing everything that all the other talk show hosts do—and she's doing them backwards while wearing heels.

Isn't the AV Club in Chicago, for chrissakes?

I'm 49 years old, live a couple of hours away from Orlando, and have seen maybe 3 Mickey Mouse cartoons in my entire life. Unlike Bugs Bunny, who has probaby been on TV every day since Truman was president, catching a Mickey Mouse cartoon meant being in front of the TV at 7PM on Sunday and hoping that (a) they

Amy who?

A new Batman movie? Wow—they only come out with three of those a year!


I just feel bad for all the girls named Sinead and boys named Poochie.

"Negotiating"—is that the word the Trump supporters are trying to spell in their online comments? It's hard to tell. These are people who don't fancy high-falutin' shit like complete sentences and commas. (They love periods however..for some reason they keep putting two or three two or three…When only one is needed or

I've given up on debating politics with anybody anymore. The pro-Trump talking points are always the same, and can be boiled down to: (1) Crybaby snowflakes (2) Fake news (3) Hillary = Liar (4) Obama = Fascist (5) Trump represents US (not YOU).

Steve who?

That's truly the buried lead in any news story about Omarosa—that the most significant entry on a top White House aide's resume is apparently "Former Game Show Contestant".

I doubt there's room on it for more than a couple of dozen…

Since it is now considered homophopic to suggest that the publications of American Media, Inc. have been giving Trump a figurative blowjob for many, many months, I won't make any such suggestion.

I remember in the early years of "Late Night With David Letterman", there were huge swaths of people—mostly older viewers, who not only didn't find the show funny, but they couldn't even understand where the jokes were.

It's almost as though comedy is an artform that evolves over time, and what might make an audience laugh in 1967 might not make a 2017 audience laugh.

You're next, Michigan J. Frog.

A couple of my co-workers—sisters of Colombian descent—wore sombreros to work today. Racist? Sadly, the answer is…probably.

My mom.

But do you have endometriosis? 'Cause I like my bots physically perfect.

Does the unnamed narrator, at any point, speak the word "rape"?