
I mean, she’s just 25 years old. She probs didn’t want to get married when she was a teenager...long courtships are good for young people, IMO. How the heck do you know if you want to marry someone when you’re still getting to know yourself?

PS: My husband and I were engaged after 8 months, but we were olds by then and

I split time for work between Tokyo and the US, but the attitude of cops is one thing that is profoundly different between the US and Japan. In Japan, there are no public intoxication laws, so shockingly, cops’ jobs are to make sure drunk people are safe.

It’s a slippery slope because if the Lerner family pays for this guy’s treatment, before long you’ll have people in this country paying to put other people’s kids through school, or you’ll be paying to put out a fire at someone else’s house, or you’ll be paying to pave roads that you never drive on, and that is NOT

He is so goddamn dense that it’s honestly a miracle that he doesn’t just sink to the bottom of the pool and drown every time he gets into the water. 

“...nabbing him at his parents’ home where he lives in the basement.”

I hope this ruined Permit Patty’s whole month.

Ha. I called it last year. I told a friend the “Reagan Republicans would sooner redefine who Reagan was than admit following Trump betrays everything they claimed to love about Reagan. If they can’t make Trump into Reagan, they’ll make Reagan into Trump.

We all know had the races been reversed and it was a black man who “defended” himself by shooting a white man defending his family, that white man would be called a hero and that brother would be up under the jail and Lawyer-Sheriff Bob would be telling us all how he had no choice but to lock that brother up.

Even worse, he deserves to be.

Current iteration of Michael Beasley is better than Derrick Rose. 

Given the old Lakers were called Showtime, this group looks to top out at Starz.

Yeah, you know...the same way Dahmer was an eating people pest. 

Dana White cheats at Words with Friends.

Not to mention the free food, shelter, and work experience.

If it weren’t for the white man, black people wouldn’t be where they are today and that is an undeniable fact.

I just wish Obama would stop dividing this country.

it’s time the blacks dropped their African s*** and become Americans and yes I had these discussions with my black friends

At least we can all agree that race is no longer an issue.  

Dana White is D.B. Cooper.

Dana White designed Elon Musk’s submarine