Is Adrian Beltre the nicest angry man or the angriest nice man?
Is Adrian Beltre the nicest angry man or the angriest nice man?
Thank you for proving every stereotype to be true, you joyless piece of trash.
Mmm. That’s good kinja.
Read it in this voice.
This is this dude’s first-ever post lol
Helmet rule won’t change anything for the Patriots,
we’ve always tackled with our head up, eyes open, head back, so we can see what we hitour next costly flag will be our first, so suck it, losers
Yeah, I hear the argument, but I gotta disagree in this case. Not only does the top of the draw already get an advantage by playing more games at night (I don’t care what they say about sleep, playing in lower temps with little to no sun is a distinct advantage in later rounds), they would get the benefit of air…
If last night’s match between Nadal and Thiem was bad tennis, I want more of it! I’m a Fede-phile to the core, so I always cheer against Nadal, but man did he earn that win last night. Thiem was outstanding as well, and probably should have won the match, but Nadal just never lets up. Nadal used to have my grudging…
Wet Dennis, on the other hand...
But if he’s picking 2nd, he’s not getting the CHOICE of Gurley or Bell.
I was surprised to see so many people walk out as it became clear that Federer was going to lose. I thought New Yorkers (and visitors) liked upsets? Bill Clinton stayed until the end. I thought Federer wasn’t loved. I certainly don’t like him. This guy who likes his hotel bathrooms full of white marble like an old…
Let’s see... They could have donated these Nike shoes, clothes etc to homeless veterans. I mean they do support the veterans. This is what all this white outrage is about right?
Draymond Green said, comparing other, more ostensibly successful population groups, “A Jew is gonna look out for a Jew, a Chinese man is gonna look out for a Chinese man.” Stewart, himself Jewish, attempted to humorously object by smiling and letting out a long and exaggerated “Ehhhhhhhhhhh...” Green continued: “You…
But did he give his son an uncomfortably long kiss on the mouth on camera? Because I’ve heard that’s how you advance your brand if you a sports star.
Billy Haisley’s article “there is nothing candid about lebron’s the shop” is a candid look at what Billy Haisely thought of the new HBO show. However, the real purpose of the article is to make money.
WOW, there are a lot of gifs in reply on Twitter, all making more salient points than Smith.
I never realized he was completely and totally innocent and really the victim in all this! It’s nice of him to clarify the real story. He’s such a babe in the woods, it’s infuriating that everyone everywhere in the world is out to get him. Except me.
They drafted a running back named after the O.J. judge.