
Yeah watch on Sunday, this is battle of the bastards good.

Or he’s willing to take Katz, the alleged victim, at her word. Doesn’t seem too crazy to me...

You seem pretty high too.

“People are saying only five things were different on that page. I don’t know, but people, great people have called me. And, you know, they’re saying it. Five. It’s five things.”

Sometimes in the evening I hit a little THC and sit in genuine, silent astonishment that Donald Trump is the current president of the United States.

“More fake news from Highlights for Kids: I colored in the lines the best and am not a Goofus.”

The scrollbar should work now—I just had to fix a simple iframe issue. If it doesn’t, I hear the Zips are gonna be real nice this year.

This kind of thing is why its completely impossible for me to hate John Cena as much as I want to.

now what will Haisley write about next?

It’s really impressive how Billy turned being condescendingly and incredibly wrong about something into a series of post all the while without admitting it’s based on his being wrong.

Hey which year is that photo from. Is it from 2014 when RM won the Champions League?

why do you always feel the need to put Messi’s dick in your mouth?

This is a mind-boggingly stupid take

Barca fans last week: Neymar’s better than Ronaldo!!!

“This does not mark the end of Neywatch”

Hated rivals Real Madrid were ascendant, but all the money and trophies over in Madrid couldn’t buy them Messi—the greatest player in the world, the best of all time—or Neymar—Messi’s younger deputy and the player who could follow Messi as he led the team to greatness now and would later be the one leading the charge

Billy, two weeks ago: There’s no way Neymar leaves

“I mean look what happened to Aaron when his off-field work went public. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct.”