

He’s the hero for killing off the entire Dorne plot for good.

man i cracked the fuck up when the fireballs started. it’s like ryu was just off screen...SHORYUKEN...SHORYUKEN...SHORYUKEN...

Fortunately he missed Dee’s nuts

“What happened was we were a yard away from winning another Super Bowl.”

If your headline replaced “grounds” with “blacks” you have the reason I am banned from most local bars.


When I got my coaching job at a large state school, I kept my personal cell phone. Everyone other coach in the department used their work cell as their personal cell, and I could never understand why. Do these people not understand that any Joe Schmo off the street can make a FOIA request? To everyone else, I was an

Maybe she put the Freeze on in the bedroom. Hugh knows? She may Nutt be the one to kiss and tell.

If you are stupid enough, in America’s moral climate, to do *anything* that might even *hint* at being questionable on a state/employer/whoeverthefuckcanbeFOIAed phone, you deserve every ounce of idiocy that will rain down on your idiot head for being an idiot.

He should have stayed with Ole Missus and none of thia would have happened.

QB3 behind Jared Goff and sean mannion means QB1 by week 8.

As a Lions fan then, you should know that every coach he’s had in the pros has said he’s great with the clipboard and in the film room. That’s exactly the kind of guy you want as a backup to a young QB like Goff. I agree his play was never great, but as a QB3 he’s perfect.

As a Lions fan, Orlovsky shouldn’t even ride the pine for any team in the NFL. People always talk about the value of “an experienced quarterback backing up your starter”, which if that experienced quarterback weren’t dogshit, I might agree. Like if you had a Payton Manning, or a Tom Brady, or even the situation in

we’re 3-2 up on them in terms of 21st century titles.

A Red Sox fan who beats his girlfriend and is a complete fucking asshole? Color me shocked.

It’s at least a bit easier to swallow with the Russian dressing.

The most coherent bits of the entire interview?

“ I know the bad people. Believe me, do I know bad people.”

“Unhinged Tangerine Man Babbles About Conspiracies; Needs Remedial Civics Class”