
When players of high character shoot, it’s to miss, so that they might give their teammates a chance at an offensive rebound.

Yeah but some commenter on earlier thread told me he scowls and shoots to score points. Dat ain’t no MVP.

Getting rid of EPA, getting rid of Department of Education, tweet something that the media will latch onto and no one will notice, it’s the best possible idea in our kept up kardashian world. he can set in motion whatever he wants and mitigate the backlash by doing something dumb.

Can we maybe stop talking about his tweets? There are things that the Republicans are doing everyday that threaten the American way of life. The president’s asinine tweets are the perfect cover as they are both sensational and largely inconsequential. Let’s give it a rest. Please? Our way of life, based on some of our

They’re getting the fuck out of the dugout since apparently that’s where the jackass is aiming with the bat flip.

If I ever get into porn, Lord Beaverbrook will be my screen name.

“Listen, either you play my music, or we’re playing nothing at all!” - James Dolan.

i’ve studied the wolf. he can’t read.”

Don’t these stodgy EU officials know about Brexit? None of their rules apply anymore.

“...” -Wendell Smallwood


Looks like she got punched in the face since she gave that speech.

She was mighty swift to drag out the “Yeah?!, well they’re doing it too!” defense. That alone is a telling moment of deflection, in my opinion.

“the problems we have at Baylor are no different than the problems at any other school in America.”

Yeah I dunno, the dog looks nice now, but having heard it bit fifty+ people before and wasn’t punished for it, doesn’t make me think, “Yeah I’ll pet you, you’re a good doggy.”

With the 15th pick in the NBA Draft the Chicago Bulls select Flurb McCutcheon, Undersized Shooting Guard from Definitely Not A Power Conference University.

For the record, the first time Kevin Love played good defense was when he locked down the league’s unanimous MVP in the final seconds of game 7.

I love a nice drop shot, especially against my dad. Keeps him in his place.

I lobbied the Georgia state legislature for ten years. Earl Ehrhart is without a doubt, the biggest shithead to hold elected office in that state. (And that’s saying something.) He generally views men as victims. His hot-temper and vindictive tendencies are not good personality traits, and they definitely don’t help

passing shot