The Hammock District

If Jim was on the sidelines I can imagine him also doing this:

FUCK YOU FOR BEING A EUROPEAN BUT FUCK YES USA USA Maybe one day when you are richer you can come live in based USA

With this kind of powerfully charismatic pitch, I don't see how you wouldn't land "a" ad/branding job.

"Sport is entertainment. It's supposed to be about what's good and hopeful in life." As a Buffalo sports fan, it is literally impossible for me to disagree with you more.

Not only was I alive, I still have my ticket stub from being in the right field bleachers at that game. I cut class that day. It was a mid week game before Memorial Day. Walked up for $8. Wood was ridiculous that day and Kevin Orie blew that perfect game for him. It's close but tonight was a different story. Kershaw


A truly wise judge would have followed the example of Solomon, and ordered that Dan Snyder be cut in half.

Doesn't it feel great to act superior to newcomers and scare them off from liking something new and different?

Can we agree to stop calling the US men's team USMNT? It looks too much like TMNT and that is a problem. That headline would be so much more awesome if it were about Ninja Turtles.

We won that by a margin thinner than Landon Donovan's hair.


Along with the OT periods from game 7 of Chicago-LA.

Penetrating analysis, Habermas. Its convenient that your argument leaves out the fact that the United States has been the most economically prosperous and culturally expansionist nation in the world over the last century. So maybe it isn't an apples to apples comparison when you say "other people do it too!"

Tom Thibodeau would like a word with you but yeah, I'm just splitting hairs.

Yeah, but people who care about other people's "legacy" are generally dumb.

If not for the Kings, people would be saying the "D" word about the Blackhawks

I said in the final piece about the Hawks x Kings series that whoever won the west would CRUSH any of the Eastern counterparts.

It's over, NY. Just hand them the cup already.

I feel like you are confusing 'douchier' with 'self actualized'. He is commenting on people, like yourself, who have decided to hate him and throw strawman arguments up in support of their irrational decisions.

it was fine because that part of the field wasn't considered lava