This isnt a good start. The last nintendo System to have a strong start was the Wii and that was over 10 years ago.
This isnt a good start. The last nintendo System to have a strong start was the Wii and that was over 10 years ago.
Another point in favor for the “rushed to market even if it wasn’t ready”.
Not necessarily . They made the Bioshock titles BC despite the collection
Cool now I can get Borderlands 2. For those who don’t know the 360 titles re not tied to Gold once you cancel it they’re yours to keep
This has always been a well kept secret in any competitive game. The main difference here is that they’re queuing up for a 6-man team, eliminating the possibility of getting a bad player on their side.
“But it’s always been a learning and growing experience for me...this whole situation has definitely been that for me. It’s something that I’m going to keep in mind going forward.”
Well, I certainly hope so. But it seems that every time he’s at the center of a controversy, he gets more defensive than introspective, as…
See, here’s the thing. I want to support content, but when I don’t know what that content will be, even from a source I trust, I can’t just throw money at it. If I pay more later, so be it, but at least I have in my mind what or what isn’t my money going towards.
It’s like Capcom and Street Fighter V’s season pass for…
I can’t believe so many people are all in on defending Lebron’s whining about his teammates not be good enough for the 10 time this year. To each their own.
Well it’s pretty simple for me, really. If I want a new copy of a game, and Gamestop tells me they have no new copies available for sale, then I’ll take my business to a competitor.
Worked for Gamestop for 3 years as a store manager. I was fired for paying my employees out of pocket to help me out off the clock because corporate pulled all my hours during Christmas time so I was soloing a fucking store by myself. I doubt none of this.
Having worked at Gamestop for a short time, I am in no way surprised by any of this. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll never shop there again.
You know, God bless y’all that play these games. I’m glad they give you enjoyment.
I can kiiiinda see why people are saying “Wait you kickstarted the first game and it was a success, why do you need to crowdfund again?!” and why they said the same thing about Banner Saga, but on the other hand, now we KNOW both companies have a good track record of actually taking the crowdfunded money and releasing…
Huh?? Gears 4 is regarded as an amazing PC port.
Interesting. Really does seem like PC is making a comeback. I mean, it’s always been there, but just seems like there are fewer console only games. PC has been getting a lot of PS and Vita games in the past year or two plus Microsoft making all XB exclusive games run on Windows too.
You know, with options to how you can make the character look I’ve never really understood complaints about one of those said options being ‘skimpy’ or ‘unpractical’.
I’m sorry but if after 2 successful titles, they have to do a kickstarter again to finish the trilogy, there’s something really wrong in the way they handle their games development.
And yes I did read the article I do understand that it’s not for the core game but still... for me it feels like I would go begging for…
If you think this is bad, you should see PS Plus.
No one cares and Michelangelo is the worst Ninja Turtle.