But at this very moment I can get a CS Rep thru chat or by phone with Uplay or Origin so they still are ages away from actual CS Service
But at this very moment I can get a CS Rep thru chat or by phone with Uplay or Origin so they still are ages away from actual CS Service
Let’s be honest here when people bought their systems on launch they went with the intent on buying Zelda most likely
Wow dude sounds like a ten yr old, and he’s 20+ yr old
Unless you show me then your full of BS if it as widespread as you make it out be it would so diifferent
The 1st One left such a bad impression that I am just not even into this game anymore will wait for the eventual complete edition
Dude the Vita is dead it’s over
Oh god where is the data that 99% who pirate and dont even have the media they pirate or buy future said products
Not everyone pirates games if they did sales wouldnt be so high and it would had been more of an issue
This tells me the Microsoft aren’t afraid of showing it to some one of their biggest criticizers
If you think game streaming has hurt game sales you need to check stats if anything people who stream games or upload videos on it increase sales for games, that why even Twitch is now barely going to start selling games thru their own website for some of the kickback. Take for example that GiantBomb Persona 4…
Battlegrounds, H1Z1, CSGO. LOL,DOTA,
Watch this get abused just because don’t like players or certain heroes
Watch this get abused just because don’t like players or certain heroes
Jeez so fast to tout this off a pedestal the game can’t even stay at a constant 30 frames which is a joke in 2017 take off the references to Zelda and let it be a new IP it would of been torn to shreds
Streaming Game still kills this as they were will always be something like lag or input lag in these games
That segment or show was so bad
Call these an expansions is a joke same as the season pass if anything they should of been called game modes not expansion
But this games isnt like Csgo or tf2 where it is actually worth money
How in any shape in this a bad thing for players? If people want to go in these lobbies and waste their time doing it that’s on them this CS GO TF2 they all do it
I just don’t get the hype for Zelda now tell me if the Game was a completely new IP and had nothing Zelda related but with different characters etc I doubt it would be getting as such as high scores it has gotten