Not a good year for Northfield, MN on Deadspin. First, St. Thomas pulling off that ridiculous fake extra point against Carleton, now this.
Not a good year for Northfield, MN on Deadspin. First, St. Thomas pulling off that ridiculous fake extra point against Carleton, now this.
Yeah. Oh, man was that a good shot.
To get out of this years office xmas party I told my boss my grandmother had AIDS and she needed me to help her find a lawyer to sue Charlie Sheen.
This game must have been televised — when I came home from the airport unexpectedly late last night, I heard my wife yelling “Oman, yes, Oman, oh my God yes” from the bedroom. I was so tired I just slept in the guest room so she could keep watching tv.
America has a long history of misidentifying Indians.
“The fun starts when you ignore the question entirely.” is good GOP debate advice.
Key point in your anecdote: “every little town”. Are you that surprised that the rural population in any state is more right-leaning? The important part is that there are more left-leaning people to keep electing democrats, so our state doesn’t fall into the same perils that Wisconsin now faces.
Look, I know he’s going through a tough time, but Ragnar really needs to get it together and act like a professional.
Minnesota hasn't gone red in a presidential election in the last 43 years, but sure, ok.
The same fan threatened to blow up US Bank Stadium if the Vikings signed Robert Turbin.
Ah, found the Sixers fan.
Sounds like a perfect GOP presidential candidate.
check tags after work, prime rib when I get home, gianna before I sleep.
I am a 21st century man.
I was playing miniature golf with friends several years ago. A young couple and their two daughters were behind us. A few holes in we realized that the girls were named Jenna and Jameson.
Chip Kelly tried to debunk Werder’s report by running a sweep for the source, but he immediately lost ground and had to punt.
“Frustrated with Kelly’s offense? So am I.”
I’m with Jimmy. The whole Star Wars universe is just a load of mass-merchandise garbage.
The NFC East is like a cockroach race.
After work, what are you guys gonna do? Think about prime rib or Gianna Michaels?