Come on, Tom. You know there’s all kinds of people that come out. Videos can be old. Videos can be all kinds of different things.
There’s a hockey game going on, and they still managed to keep the attention on the bride?
The hockey does not have balls. The hockey has pucks. So you should have said:
They are a military branch, not a whaling company.
Tight ass is tight-lipped about tight end’s right bend.
He probably felt better after he ate a bowl of his favorite cereal.
In fact, one could say they may have paid too high of a... cost
LOL at you taking “Big Shot Bob” at face value. Holy shit.
Mmmmm lemme think.
One political party thinks that adherents of the world’s 2nd Largest religion are essentially all terrorists, and have suggested closing their places of worship, denying them entry into the nation, and creating lists of all adherents.
Lord, “unstoppable suck” vs “unmovable wall of shit”? Deadspin needs to stick to sports and not get involved in discussing the Republican primary.
The video at the TMZ link has a much better angle and is from a couple seats away, but adds the mystery of why the fan that stepped up and stopped the guard is wearing a Brandon Marshall Bears jersey at a Cowboys/Panthers game.
Greg Hardy’s training their security now?
I cannot wait for him to be in a Dodger uniform in three years after Boston blows up again
He does if he googles "haughty."
Good to see Smarmy Basketblogger getting his second 15 minutes of fame after leading the 2011 Lacrosse All-Name Team.