
Goddamn the Lions just stay so on-brand.

The wussification of Bearmerica.

Bear Meets Moron

I watched all the way to the end for the mauling. Came here to let you know I was sorely disappointed. 2/10 stars. Would not watch again.

This is literally the Russian version of Adrian Beltre and Elvis Andrus.

Sometimes what doesnt kill you probably should have just killed you.

I purposely spent over $500 on Fanduel this year with the expectation that I would be reimbursed through a Class-Action lawsuit.

But this one smokes pot.

Why would you put your coat on before the credits anyway?

What’s that? A reason to post this? Okay then.


try pitching instead of catching next time.

It’s Week 11 coming up, everybody is dealing with different things. That’s the NFL. You get a routine, learn how to take care of your body and push through things.

That's a clown pronunciation, bro.

Watch me whip, watch me meme

I dunno, what the hell is he supposed to do now? He wants to get back into the NFL, there’s no legal roadblock to it, he’s just bad PR for a team (and, obviously, a possibly bad RB now). What would your advice be to him, just shut up and stay away from any interviews or anything?

4) Get a job at Lehman brothers.

Actually this is all a part of the process and we’ll be the ones laughing when the 76ers win the title in 2037.