
Man, I hope he is able to return to training day after Saturday’s game. He has been a man on fire of late, and his play was really just starting to take flight. These football players look invincible, but we all need to remember the titans are just humans like us.

“You’re dramatically overstating things. I only made one change to this dumpster.”

Sink your essence so deeply into your chosen profession that your chosen life partner becomes a distant smudge of color on the horizon. Wave to it sometimes. Mention it sometimes. Allow it to make noises at you, but do not allow it to stop you from becoming Emperor of Job, Titan of Industry, Leader of People.

I’ll never forget what my grandfather once told me: “Never trust a man named Chip. Or the Jews.”

Fighting Cawks

The University of North Dakota Fighting Fights

Probably best they didn’t take Gronk’s suggestion of the Fighting Sioux Flays.

They really missed an opportunity here. In a few years, skateboarding will become an intercollegiate sport and UND will wish they became the Tony Hawks.

Don't you have to sit out a year to go from ICU to Ole Miss?

Demar DeRozan DeStroys gobert with DuNk.

A scholarship to an SEC school.

This is the strangest FORE!play I’ve ever witnessed.

There is no deeper disappointment than clicking on “GOLF TEE BUTT STUNT” and finding zero videos related to Tiger Woods.


Strong taek god bless

What’s the point of an alcoholic drink whose primary purpose is to get you wasted? Is this like a philosophy class or something?

Am I the only one who find it hilarious that this is “dabbing”? The dabbing I know involves a rig, some oil and a torch...

Here’s a lame dad antic I look forward to. Going out to a family dinner, looking at the check, and saying to myself, “hmmmm lets take a look at the damage.”

Stfu, dad. Quit embarassing me on the Kinja.

Josh Gordon must be pissed, he got suspended for an entire YEAR for dabbing.