
You know that open carry and concealed are not the same and states have different laws, right? Stay scared, though.

This is why I love a well-planned traffic circle. Not only is it more efficient in most cases, but people aren’t as impatient when they are allowed to keep moving, and it requires them to pay more attention. Too bad they aren’t more common throughout the US.

Some are paranoid idiots, others are just laughably insecure about wanting to look tough, and then you have the really concerning bunch that wake up every day and hope they get to live out their fantasy of being the “good guy hero” and getting lucky enough to shoot someone by being in the right place at the right

How four-way stops work and being able to recognize who has right of way. It’s not a complex system, but there’s a little more to it than “he who dares wins” when four people arrive at the same time. Just yield to the vehicle on the right so we don’t get four people doing this...

Exactly what I came here to say. Would also add “wipers on = headlights on”

Know how you can be in the presence of a bad smell but it eventually gets better? This is like being able to see that smell, but no matter how long you look at it, it doesn’t get any better.

Starring and replying to boost. No, the coal industry is certainly not a friend of Kentucky. I can’t understand the cheerleading and support people still have for this industry. It destroyed their land, broke their unions, killed their families, led to multi-generational health issues, and left them destitute and

Ha - I agree! I almost posted that one too. I swear, that plate is only picked about 90% of the time by people trying to color match to a black car with no thought given to the actual message. More recently, I’m seeing it on a lot of black Teslas. Unsure if it’s an attempt at irony or just poorly considered

Yeeeup. Choose Life Inc., running this grift in nearly 40 states.

NP for the right person. These are not nearly as affordable as they used to be, and finding one in this condition isn’t an opportunity that comes along very often. Get rid of the feeler antenna, replace the wheels, and this is both a work of art and a testament to some incredibly interesting engineering. These must

This should be the answer to “What is your state’s most amazing license plate?” Not a Texan, but this is made for me and I want it badly.

Ashamed to say we have one too. Honestly the only plate that makes me want to go completely carmageddon and ram into someone.

Winner. That suuuucks.

We have a few, but the dumbest is probably this one. I can’t even figure out what it’s supposed to mean. Environmental sustainability through overpriced back rubs? I genuinely don’t know.

I’ve been wondering why these concept teasers had me so hot and bothered, and I’m shocked to have just figured it out...

Elder millennial here (are we still doing xennial? I can’t keep up). Even growing up in the Midwest, nobody in my age group really seemed to care about “classic” muscle cars of the 60's and 70's. Sure, sometimes you’d see a classic Mustang or Corvette and say “Oh, cool, check out that [whatever]” but it was rarely

If the wand model is anyone’s choice, I would recommend doing your frothing in a separate vessel since they can damage the inside of your coffee mugs and wear away the enamel/glazing, unless you have a steady hand and are super careful.

While the Model T and other early frontrunners are more important within a historical context, I think Elvis Presley and his pink Cadillac are more interesting from a cultural perspective. His love of Cadillacs, and cars in general, was often a central theme of his music and can be partly credited with making cars and

Yeah, our household has a Volvo S60 and C30. Shortly after purchase, we bought a donut for the S60 because it won’t hold a full-size spare in the underwell and the donut is better than nothing. The trunk in the S60 is too small to keep a full-sized spare topside, but still I prefer having the donut option instead of

As a big Mazda fan, I have previously been very close to pulling the trigger on one of these. Problems aside, the MS6 really deserved a mulligan though, and I wish we got another one before they sunsetted the 6 entirely.