
Probably a good thing that fewer new cars come equipped with space-saver donuts these days. I’ve even seen people running more than one, like where are you getting multiples and what is happening in your life?

I have no regrets about that whatsoever. However, during one of my multiple trips to the VW dealer for a warranty repair, I was out walking the lot while they were getting my car ready and noticed a Phaeton hidden among the sea of pre-owned vehicles. I didn’t really know anything about them at the time and had never

Kind of hard to do when the driver has their eyes glued to the left and is only concerned about oncoming vehicles, with no consideration for anything that exists to the right.

There was a time that I might have argued against this, but now, not so much. I don’t know what all of the contributing factors are, i.e., drivers having too many distractions, everyone feeling their time is the most valuable, insufficient driver training and re-testing, but it has become truly terrible out there.

A 2004 Volkswagen Passat GLX 4-Motion that I purchased in 2006 as a 2-year lease return with only 20k miles. I’ve posted about it before and won’t rehash the extensive list of problems, but it would be difficult for me to imagine anything being worse at providing even semi-reliable transportation. Just a short list of

That orange 242 is gorgeous! I’ve been wanting to brighten up the interior in my black sapphire C30 for a couple of years because the black and quartz grey combo on the inside is a little drab, and now I’m having some very questionable (and very orange) ideas.

And they’re always willing to share. Perhaps one of them politely offered her some Vengelerstarssebar.

Not once have I ever encountered a rowdy German tourist on US soil or anywhere else. Removed from soccer games or beer festivals, my impression has always been they are generally very polite and well-behaved. I know we don’t have a full picture of what transpired beforehand, but given this woman’s mistargeted rage and

I’m sorry - I couldn’t help but snort-laugh at how matter-of-factly you phrased this. That said, I’m glad it didn’t change your life for the worse and you got to find yourself while traveling. Similarly, I was in a significant rock climbing accident in my early 20's that resulted in a TBI and I wound up dropping out

I could be wrong, but I don’t think there is enough here that amounts to something quintessentially “Alfa” enough to deal with all of the headaches and boxes of loose parts. Even the cracked windshield is a big red flag, and I’m just going assume that replacements are neither cheap or easy to find. At the end of the

This is a great lesson for how good people, even in small numbers, can put the boot to this bullshit just by showing up and confronting it. Give them no quarter and drive them into the sea.

Holy shit. He really is just a level 1 player-created GTA character.

I’m currently married to her. First, I am not at all coming at this from a “HahA woMen caN’t DRivE” perspective because gender has nothing to do with it, but there are certainly issues. Essentially, she absolutely hates driving and either A) lets anxiety get in the way, or B) refuses to engage in anything outside of

100% certain he’d be the “C’mon bro - hit me first” type of instigator when confronted by anyone who could put up a reasonable challenge, and then slink back to his vehicle like a coward, but still hurling homophobic slurs and thinking himself the bigger man.

This sack of crap also appears to wear the exact same thing every day. He even got arrested wearing the same damn clothes. So, they had an easily identifiable subject who never changes his appearance committing these crimes while driving the same vehicle. Dude could have a license plate that spelled RDRG GUY and

It’s debatable, but in my area highway patrol does operate black and whites without decals and low-profile lightbars on the roof, which this one appears to have because you can see it slightly occlude some of the background as it rolls by. I won’t claim to be an expert on CHP vehicles and policy though.

Pretty cool how a cop in an SUV rolls by when this dude is stopped in a travel lane and outside of his vehicle, clearly swinging a weapon, but doesn’t bother to stop or do anything.

Anybody who owned this would instantly achieve King of Cracker Barrel status. This is, without a doubt, the most septuagenarian thing to ever exist.

Now playing

Stompers in general were pretty rad but these always made tub time especially fun.