
I don’t know about other seasons, but Wisconsin paid A LOT of money to have Top Chef, so I understand why there was so much focus on the locations.

I think if David hadn’t returned to his home planet—he didn’t even show up for LCK!—he might’ve ended up being the season’s villain.

I’m honestly more excited for this than any actual Star Wars. Here’s my list of low hanging fruit:

The irony is that if the other members of *NSYNC hadn't been in that new Trolls movie one of them would probably be an Uber driver.

Whenever I see a story like this I’m just so grateful I managed to quit driving. 

Well... this just goes to show the difference between RTD “clever” and Steven Moffat clever. Can we all just agree that anagrams and bad puns, especially ones that aren’t even up on screen until they’re “revealed”, and which make no logistical sense when you think about then for longer than a second, are the least

Stop Making This Hurt is a thoroughly decent song though.  The live album from Radio City that Bleachers dropped year is pretty good in my opinion.  Not the kind of thing I’d listen to all the time but I put it on here and there.

This episode definitely couldn’t find its focus, and splitting its attention across 400 different threads while Morris kept nattering was annoying. Of the random interesting folks that UNIT has brought into things, Morris was not one of their best. Wesley Crusher but more annoying and less useful. In an episode

I listen to all of Norman Fucking Rockwell! for free now, so I’d definitely take someone’s money to keep doing that.

For the past few years, it has. Very small, usually in the upper left corner.
(Apologies for the reflections)

I mean...Zack Snyder’s adaptation was slavish and yet completely wrong because of he has the brain of a 12 year-old. I will say I didn’t mind how he changed the ending. I hope this one keeps the original (frankly worse) ending. I dunno, if this one is faithful I don’t see the harm it does...I don’t know how they are

I’m rooting for Savannah, just because I’d like to see a woman win.

I think you might be surprised at how many of the people on here...are the same people who were on here 15 years ago. And under different usernames we’ve fought, loved, blocked each other, followed each other, all while having no idea we were the same people. It’s...so beautiful...

Yes. We own the comments, just not the accounts. All comments will be preserved.

Downvote? I can downvote here?

It’s never too soon for that sweet Laurel Canyon sound.

“Graffiti," CHVRCHES

And I just have to say, the possibility of a resurrected AV Club makes me so, so happy. The old school original version was one of the very best things about the old, pre-enshittified internet, and that it could rise from the ashes like a Phoenix gives me hope that all is not yet lost.

Remember spot.im? We all started to appreciate Disqus a little more that day.

Remember when we all thought Disqus was a piss-poor commenting system?  Living history that it can always be worse.