
Yeah, Beavis & Butthead was my first exposure to GWAR - probably 1993 or 1994.

Hm. I wouldn’t say so. An assassination attempt like this hasn’t happened here in around 40 years, so it’s pretty rare.

George Washington Bridge, bro

I genuinely hope Red Hulk roars “get off my plane” at some point.

So, without seeing a single frame or hearing a single word of dialogue, you’ve determined a Jewish superhero’s existence is a problem.

Yeah, I was going to say, William Sadler was the POTUS, he got attacked aboard Air Force One and everything.

Huh. Harrison Ford kind of looks like he gives a damn.

I stopped reading after the author didn’t know the difference between “capitol” and “capital,” but I am more excited for this one than I expected after the trailer. And I appreciate the film making the point that he’s not Steve Rogers, since Sam is just a dude with no special genetic makeup.

That’s a terrible trivia question. I watched that episode last week and didn't remember the answer.

To a certain extent Netflix, with their shift to original programming, did spark the massive escalation that’s now a problem- it’s not just that everyone put out their own streaming service (itself not a great idea) but they all felt compelled to spend absurd amounts of money on original content exclusively for those

Among the many reasons I disliked Secret Invasion were Maria Hill and Talos’ deaths and don’t get me started on G’iah (Kahlessi) and her all encompassing powers that, chances are, will never be seen again in any future MCU project.

I was a 13-year-old boy in the long, long ago, and I am 100% here for Kathryn Hahn and Patti LuPone.

Hawkeye was my favorite of the shows too, which is almost unfair to compare because of the perfection of casting Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop 

A few of them suffered from Covid. Wandavision had to drop an episode, and Falcon and the Winter Soldier supposedly had half its plot reworked because it involved a virus.

i do like how even the stuff you describe as ‘top tier’ needed a run-on sentence explaining what you didn’t like haha.

That was his son, Skaar or something, whereas Hulkling has a wildly different backstory and a confusing name they just never got around to shifting to match his actual origin story.

I recognize Lupone from AHS and though outside my wheelhouse, I think she is a big deal on Broadway. And Sasheer Zamata was on SNL. But other than that... I assume that I am just an old.

He’s earned it. He’s got more Oscars than the rest of the cast combined.

I got a Community notification for this?

But I mean... HOOTIE!... he knows HOOTIE!!!