
it looks too small for your hands

Perhaps that’s because the Dune bucket, which io9 has affectionately referred to as “Shai-Hulussy” and “Wormussy” for obvious reasons,

I didn’t watch Supernatural or Walker. I might have given Supernatural a chance if I had started watching it early enough and everything branded “Walker” is tainted by thoughts of Chuck Norris in my mind.

I would love a second season of the Hawkeye show, though I don’t know if that was ever planned. He and Hailee Steinfeld worked really well together. When she sent him a get-well message on instagram and called him “partner” it may have got me in the feels. 

If he’s going to be flipped in this version, then how does Anakin end up in the Life Support suit?

To be fair, I’m American and I thought it was classism too because its a British program and having watched a lot of British programs, I expected that commentary.

In the entirety of Steven Moffat’s tenure as showrunner of DW, roughly 80-90% of the comments on Gizmodo were a variation on: “The show was so much better when RTD was running it.” I could not understand how these commenters and I were watching the same show.

Among the many dropped details in the finale, Mrs. Flood had a definite sinister beat once she was left alone with Ruby’s grandmother, then abandoned it when Sutekh murdered Earth. While it seemed at first that she was somehow part of the whole plan, it’s clear that she was surprised to be dusted and then subsequently

Swifties are about as rational as the Beyhive. Humourless self-appointed guardians of insanely wealthy people that don’t need the protection. They look for the insult, find it, then rally the soldiers.

That would be perfectly fine and not an issue.... if he hadn’t written 8 other episodes this season that specifically set up that she was not your normal everyday human. RTD doesn’t even have the Star Wars excuse of having had somebody else write the character for a while and try to take her in a different direction

It was Davies “snowing” us about the whole thing; the mystery was insubstantial and would melt away in the heat of any kind of deep investigation.

Man, if I’ve ever heard of a simpler, more concise and guaranteed idea for rejuvenating the show, I can’t think of it. The show has all of space and time as its canvas, why can’t we get more than ‘go to area x, which is being menaced by monster y’?

This season was basically exactly what I expected it would be from the moment it was announced that RTD was coming back, and yet it still came as a bit of a shock just how much it felt like nothing had changed since 2008, even down to the Doctor being the last of the Time Lords again. Then all of his other tricks were

Ncuti Gatwa is a fantastic Doctor. Millie Gibson was a fine companion, if unremarkable. The increased production value thanks to Disney and the basically competent direction that was lacking under Chibnall’s era were nice (more the direction than the money, if I’m being honest).

As for that bat-dog of a finale... ugghh.

I knew it wasn’t going to be great after part 1, and RTD doesn’t have a great track record for season endings anyways, but the entire thing felt like half-an-idea scribbled in crayon on a cocktail napkin that was never fully plotted out. There were multiple ways they could

Doctor Who is back... to being the same mix of occasional brilliance surrounded by utter cringe that it was under Russell T. Davies the first time around. Just replace fart monsters with bogey monsters, Peter Kay with Jinkx Monsoon, and the weeping angel with standing on a land mine.

The ratio of gold to crap seems to

Maybe she just has a flair for the dramatic? It probably runs in the family considering Ruby’s barista reveal.

27 + 14 = 40? Huh?

I’m sorry but I just thought of some other things that really bothered me. How did Sutekh die? It wasn’t by being exposed to the time tunnel because in “The Pyramids of Mars’ he “dies” because The Doctor and Sarah Jane used the TARDIS to move the time tunnel so far into the future that Sutekh died of old age before he

It’s almost like the audience they were pandering to was nowhere near big enough to carry the show.