
Definitely got big “Captain Jack Harkness 2.0" vibes from Rogue - both are queer male characters played by gay American actors (or in Barrowman’s case, Scottish-American) who have time traveled and met the Doctor in “the past” and who clearly have morals a little more loose than the Doctor, but are ultimately heroes.

You know how I can tell you are not into comics?

The “Well, I attended Juliard...” speech in the original is so inspired and was almost entirely ad-libbed. Keaton designed a lot of the makeup look himself. He really created this character and I can see how it would be odd to have this weird ghost creep turned into endless kids toys and a cartoon. I had forgotten the

Do they still make these?

Yeah, the Doctor getting angry at the end was something I read at the time as “he just wants to HELP but these IDIOTS aren’t LETTING HIM”, but “oh right, I’m Black now and some people are still racist” certainly works too.

it definitely felt true at the time, but Ghost Protocol was better than it had any right to be because of Brad Bird (and that Dubai tower sequence shot on imax that I saw in IMAX and fucking rocked) and reenergized it, and Cruise kept his mouth shut about having slaves work on his motorcycles. It’s too bad about Brad

Fortunately not taking over Mission Impossible allowed his to take over the Bourne franchise...oh wait

Trying them out before you make the purchase is always a good idea. Make sure you test the different ear tip sizes in the box.”

I am with you on this. I didn’t read this as racist either. I read this as classist. The kids in Finetime were the nepotistic children of the ultra-rich. Anyone who isn’t part of Finetime is socially beneath them.

Basically, RTD needed to pick two out of the three main ideas he had for this story, and then run with that, sacrificing the scene that doesn’t fit the narrative.

Wait, that was about racidm? Goddamn, that flew right by me. I just thought they were rich elitist assholes, and that Lindy was just a self-centered spoiled nepobaby.

Right... so lots of mixed feelings about this one. Much like the previous story, 73 Yards, it’s an episode that keeps you glued to the screen and mostly hits, but as soon as it’s over, you immediately stop and think “wait a second, that’s one hell of a gaping plot hole. Why wasn’t that fixed in the final draft?”


I took the “you’re not one of us” comment to mean his socio-economic status. These are the uber-rich after all. Lindy saw him as working class, thanked him for doing his job of getting her out as he should have, but otherwise had no time for him. The main reason I didn’t, and still don’t, see the racist angle is

Sorta like how they’ve referenced Star Wars and don’t comment on how Fury looks like the guy who played Mace Windu.

Now playing

This is one of the better Criterion Closet shorts on its own, and it’s also really illustrative of part of the family business side of nepo babies when it’s done right.

This is like saying on average, you, me, and Bill Gates are all billionaires because if you add all our money and divide by three that’s what you get. There are enormous, highly profitable, factory farms in the US (which might still be considered “family farms” because one family still controls them) and there are

This is literally all anyone has ever asked. And I take it to reflect that Maya Hawke is confident enough as an actress and artist and comfortable enough in her career to know she’s going to be weighed favorably on her merits against her advantages and it doesn’t make her less if someone else got screwed over it. To

That would be AMAZING. They say they aren’t still tying in the rest of the MCU to everything but also DOOM WISHES THIS TO BE!

Since I don’t have a PC and do my gaming on consoles, I literally do have to wait.

Glenn Close was also in GotG as Nova Prime.