
They’re dumb opinions, but it’s not like he’s shouting them at you on the street. He’s saying then on a podcast, that by definition, people are listening to because they want to hear his opinions. You clicked this link because you wanted to read his opinions.

I assume he was asked.

Look, can we put this conspiracy theory to bed? Prince Adam is a nice guy, but he and his pet tiger are cowards. He-Man and his pet tiger are super brave. Two guys go to the same barber and know all the same people and the kooks come out of the woodwork.

Yes, I know, that’s why I’m mentioning it.

Hey George, shut the fuck up & get to writing. Never finishing A Song of Ice & Fire is one of the biggest fuck you to fans ever.

it’s everyone fucking with everyone else.

There were multiple potential explanations. They just decided to leave it up to the audience to work out which one worked best for them. It could have been a magical version of The Inner Light episode of Star Trek. An alternate reality. Pocket universe that existed for Ruby.

No-one ever remembers it, but RTD - a long long time ago - had a kids tv show called Century Falls. It was like “My First Wicker Man” in vibe (some kids move with their family to some rural wee town where there’s a sinister cult trying to waken an evil spirit) and this really felt like a callback to that sort of

i do think movie marketing is in an even worse place than movie theatres themselves. people simply do not know what’s out when anymore.

Last year, it was Barbenheimer. The year before, it was Top Gun: Maverick. And I’m sure this summer will see a big breakout hit or two. But for movie theaters, it matters less whether the public can be convinced to see movies they’re really, really excited about (they can) and more whether people see moviegoing as

Ehh. I’ll wait for Bawitdaba: A Knives Out Mystery (2028).

Meet the Characters of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice: New, Old, and Very Old

People always dismissively ask this question as if they don’t already know the answer.

You cant unsee it. He’s like those cheap no-name action figures you see in dollar stores where they didn’t give a fuck about scale.

But what of Psylocke’s psychic knife, the focused totality of her telepathic abilities?

I need to hear if Cannonball’s nigh-invulnerable when he’s blastin’ or not!

I like how Cyclops, Rogue, and Shadowcat all went “I’m going home (or to my husband’s home, in Rogue’s case), who’s coming with me?”

Karen Gillan also did this, appearing in the same episode as Peter Capaldi first did, the fires of Pompeii, before returning to play Amy Pond.

Brassy redhead acerbic enough to date a guy made of rocks? Yeah, Natasha tracks. 

I miss the days when they just ran normal-ass seasons on Comedy Central.