
he is kind of a newer comedian, just starting to get more famous. but i find him to be hilarious. and not that i care about this, but his comedy is extremely clean, but you don’t even tend to notice it until someone mentions it.

Where did they manage to find a c. 1991 Sears photo studio to take their picture?

It’s the new way of writing the reviews for the shows - I’m guessing someone got sick of the “oh why are you just recapping the entire show” comments after every single review, so now we get a mention of a few skits, a recap-ish of one or two, and general feeling off the show.

Oh man, this past summer I rediscovered a swimming hole/fishing hole from my childhood that I hadn’t been to in forty years. It was magical. It was also 109% Lake Beach.

What, no love for “Lake Beach”? 

PS How do you EVER get un-grayed on this site?

I like Nate. Maybe the only good thing to come out of the strike so far is getting to see him live out one of his dreams on SNL.

Oh man, that stings. I’m not as much of a superfan as my name might suggest but he still was a big part of my teen years when I was developing my taste in comedy. Rest in peace, bud.

I was feeling unenthused after episode 3, but holy shiiiiiit this was a ride with a ballsy af ending. Yeah, we “know” the characters will be okay, but we want the ride to be fucking fun. The way it was played out in the end, pure heroic everything, SLICE

Did you miss the bit of dialogue where OB states if they reboot the system, it will shut off the thingy that stops magic from working in the TVA? Both Loki and Sylvie shout “DO IT!” when they hear that.

The Ouroboros model scene is a delightful riff on the Back to the Future scene and here for it.

It’s both. The primary purpose is to re-record songs so she has a version she owns, but each one throws in a few bonus songs that were written for the album but weren’t previously recorded to give the fans something to get excited for. Now that the albums are all pretty much only made for streaming instead of CDs, and

What I feel is missing from a lot of these reports on the study (beyond how weird it is to lump 10 year-olds’ opinions on this with 24 year-olds) is the fact that there’s less sex in film than ever, yet erotic content is more at our fingertips; it feels like a lot of people conflate the availability of porn with the

The scene where Loki and Thor are sneaking out of the palace and he changes into Steve Rodgers might be the only funny scene in that entire film.

He’s the part of Thor 2 that makes it worth watching.

Careful, you keep going around pronouncing it “Kate Beeshup” like Yelena Belova, and a lot of men are going to fall in love with you.

This chart is fascinating for a couple of reasons: 1) how much Iron Man they pumped out very quickly after the first took off. Tony’s an important character in all the later stuff, sure, but what’s really pumping up these numbers must by Iron Men 2 and 3, which I barely remember. 2) How quickly it’s going to change

also after high rise there was like a 5+ year period where i wanted him to be a swinging 60s bond. guy looked so cool in flared pants.

“Has become”?!

Loki has become less of a TV show in and of itself and more of a springboard for the MCU’s next big phase.”