
The following opinions come from a straight cis man who isn’t some kind of marketing guru or anything. I have not seen the movie, only trailers for it.

I’m not sure it’s ever a good idea for someone to speculate about why their movie has underperformed at the box office.  It’s always going to come off as resentful and defensive.

You’re probably right, but it was fun to believe that it was possible, even if only for a few minutes.

Well there’s little to no advertising for it as far as I can tell. Also there are a lot of us who have exactly 0 interest in rom-coms no matter if they’re straight or gay.

That only works if they try something completely different for the cold opens for the rest of the season.  I’m guessing... they won’t.

I think the cold open was the only good part of the episode 

How about more of The State?

I don’t mind hating on SNL and lord knows they usually deserve it, but this was a much better show than a D+. It’s at least a C, maybe even B- if we’re generous graders. Miles Teller did a fine job as host, throwing himself into several roles (his Peyton Manning was so close that initially I thought it actually was

Wow, I couldn’t disagree more. Obviously Longfellow’s Weekend Update bit was just a recycled standup bit, but it was actually funny.

Yeah, but why was he trashing it? Usually it was for not parroting whatever he thought was the only correct opinion about whatever political issue.

This is Punkies third year and JAJ’s second. 

Well, I wouldn’t go that far.  Some of his reviews were novel-length and often revolved around him spouting off on politics like all get out.

I know everyone is going to tar and feather me but I actually liked the cold open.

There was a couple sketches that didn’t feel fully fleshed out, but the D+ rating is way too low. I thought the setup for the cold open was pretty creative, all considering.

I’ll give them this much. I went in blind, not knowing who the host was, and I had to do a double take on Peyton Manning. If it wasn’t for the hairline I might not have realized it was Miles Teller for a few minutes

I hope they play paintball and build pillow forts and do some “ghosting” even though the pottery professor forbids it.

Pedro Pascal appearing too would be a treat.

Cool, cool, cool.

Bring back Craig Kilborn