
Your name was my response to every time she was on screen.

I dunno, I think she illuminated the issue pretty well...

I mean, I thought that was more for speeding the episode along - it’s also a nice parallel to Jen’s assessment about him about how hot he is "isn't important...but it is"

Even as a kid I hated this picture.

an old bad guy named Firefly”? How ‘bout some respect for the master of infiltration and sabotage?!

There’s also that time Pryor kidnapped a bunch of kids to sacrifice so demons can invade from limbo.

Krystal was surprisingly competent and disciplined and not drunk all the time though! Madisynn would probably pass out before she even figured out there were clones.

Chasm was the very end result of that last outing; basically Beyond was screwing with his brain and ended up deleting his memories of Uncle Ben. Meh.

who was supposed to play Batgirl’s villain, apparently some new take on an old bad guy named Firefly

Are you a plant or a bot?

I know, hence my complaining about the lack of Songbird.

The version of Zemo that’s absolutely committed to killing anyone he meets with anything resembling superpowers is going to be a hard sell as a member of the hot new super team, I think.  Maybe we’ll get lucky and Sam Rockwell will be around as their tech guy though.

Why make it about protecting Wong (et al.)’s monopoly on magic when you could just say that Donny kidnapped and endangered a woman (and clearly others too) without her consent?”

Hating on Marvel is the new cool thing. There are also some contingents that are mad because it’s “woke” or some stupid shit. A lot of the poster bitching in the greys did the same thing for Miss Marvel

Howard and Darcy forevah!!!

To be fair, though, none of the critiques here (especially from the reviewer) have anything to do with female lead-ness of it all. If anything, that’s the one praise it gets around these parts. After all, most of the commenters are Orphan Black fans who tuned in for Tatiana Maslany specifically.

There are two different types of hosts here, and the writers haven’t always done a good job of distinguishing them:

I had no idea how they were going to wrap this up, but I really loved it.

No they didn’t go extinct.