
And Fleabag got ITS shtick from Malcolm in the Middle...which was inspired by Parker Lewis Can’t Lose...which was aping Ferris Bueller.

Now playing

C’mon WB. The world deserves Better than Ezra.

Assuming Miller’s too toxic, could they digitally replace their face in every scene with someone new? It seems like that would be cheaper than junking the whole film over this stuff, and people probably aren’t going to notice the rest of the body differences between Miller in costume and whoever replaces them as the

Can’t they just reshoot all of Miller’s scenes with Christopher Plummer?

Arcade is a character I’ve been really into the idea of seeing in the MCU lately. His entire thing would just work really well in comics.

Squirrel Girl will be played by Anna Kendrick, yes? We’re all in agreement there?

I think they missed an opportunity to include Bill in L&T; but for me the one on the list I can appreciate the most is Arcade. Those early Murderworld stories in X-Men showed that even a non-superpowered villain could give an entire team of supes a run for their money...and aside from Zemo, I don’t know how many times


Has anyone established any rules yet RE crying when Baseball is involved?

How about we just get cosmetics by playing the fucking game we bought? I read a lot of nonsense about "the way things are" and it's bullshit. We shouldn't have to pay extra for this kinda stuff

Of all the lootboxes, Overwatch had the least intrusive ones.  They constantly gave you free ones and they had pity timers.  I bought a fuckload of’em

Agreed. I think taking loot boxes out is for the better, for the sake of people/kids who will just unload a fortune on them. But I will miss the free content in future games, as loot boxes go away.

Yeah, I understand why they’re bad, but for me personally, they were not. They were a way to get shit for free that will definitely cost me money in OW2.

I don’t love battle/season passes. I guess it’s no different than a subscription fee for an MMO, but it feels like this perpetual thing I might have to keep up with

Well the Gold currency in OW1 also meant you could essentially buy whatever cosmetics you wanted without spending real money as well. You just had to play enough to earn gold, which was also fairly easy since you got awarded gold whenever you got duplicates.

I would be happy about this if not for the obvious alternative. Loot boxes suck but I’d take Overwatch’s boxes over pay-gated skins any day of the week. At least with the loot boxes I was earning them by doing something (usually) fun; playing the game. I’m not paying money for skins so it’s all vanilla for me, I guess.

Same. I’ve unlocked the vast majority of cosmetics without spending any money (besides the Pink Mercy charity skin).

Same, as far as loot box mechanics go, I thought Overwatch’s model was much more agreeable than both many that came after and the many MMO gachapons that preceded it. Having a guaranteed box every time you leveled up, which as a so so casual player only took about 2 hours, was pretty nice and that’s on top of the 3

Jack Black: raising running around yelling random-ass nonsense to a high-artform . . . nah, it’s just nonsense. Can we just ignore him and maybe he’ll go away?

We had HBOMax this summer, so I binged Flight Attendant and my daughter watched through Harley Quinn. All the Kaley Cuoco also made me think back to Rules, for which I had considered myself too old — seems like it may have been TGIF — though I did watch some to see how they handled and transitioned past John Ritter’s

actually matt smith is the actor, matt smith’s monster is the name of his penis