
It’s awesome to hear from a certified aircraft engineer in the Gizmodo comments!

Plus we haven’t really adopted the full chip-and-pin technology yet, so if someone steals your card, they can still use it and scribble your signature. It’s supposed to be rolling out, though.

Sweet Jesus, they have a street view picture of my house.

I’m always annoyed when I have to use my horn. It’s not my responsibility to wake up people and tell them it’s time to drive now.

That is not road rage. This is the SECOND time in a week I’ve heard of horn use as being equated to ‘road rage’. Both are incorrect.

I’m trying to not read into your bullshit tone, but really, a simple “yes” would have sufficed. You need not talk to me like I’m six years old (just off the top of my head, you are absolutely wrong, as Hangouts doubles as both an SMS and MMS provider).

It's easier just to grab a box of berry-flavored Pop Tarts. Convenient, healthy, and you don't have to worry about spoilage.

Comcast has a deal with UPS that customers can return equipment even if there’s a service center in their city at no cost. I used it last month. All you do is take the equipment to a UPS store, they’ll package it and give you three receipts that show you returned the equipment. It was absolutely painless.

*ahem* “I would have taken it down, too”

I would have taken it down too. I’m is spelled with an apostrophe.

But, keep in mind that sometimes your best bet is simply to take the conversation offline

I’m a paramedic, I give zero shits about your cynicism. I’ve had people with do not resuscitate orders groan out “help me”. DNR becomes invalid and I do everything I can to help a patient. Everyone who never expected to die wants to live, and you’ll be no different when your moment comes. My greatest professional

History shows us time and again that the idea is ridiculous. If it were sacred, there’d be no war, real money would be spent on improving the lives of the poor, and no one would ever be executed. Life is cheap, is closer to the truth.

With 7 BILLION people on the planet, I’m not sure we’re not past the point where “every life is sacred”.

How often will you spend time independent of your partner?

If they’ve got the answer wrong on this one, why would you move in with a monster?

4. Over or Under for the Toilet Paper

“I do not understand, nor do I wish to understand, the logic behind leaving a tip merely out of “common courtesy.””

REDACTED: Changed my mind, its not worth it. You go live your life.

Ah yes, wal mart: whose wages are so low they run holiday food banks for their own employees and encourage them to get Medicaid and go on welfare rather than actually pony up and pay a living wage. You have no knowledge of a person’s circumstance or why they do they job that they do. It is completely unrelated to