
I get those through Google Now. I'll get a notification for traffic or accidents typically.

I think it’s time for all nations that want to participate in the Olympics to pony up a few dollars, euros, pounds, shekels, rupees, etc. and give them to Greece, where a permanent dedicated Olympic Village will be built. Greece has no money, but they can donate land. Building it will help the Greek economy. (Why

All I know is that in Atlanta, if someone is going ten miles an hour slower than the flow of traffic and is in the left lane, it is either going to be Michigan, Ohio, Penn, or NY plates.

Nothing was stopping you, nothing is stopping you now, and no laws are going to stop you in the future if you really want to go into a women's bathroom. It's a contrived issue solving a problem that doesn't exist that no one gave two thoughts to until certain political parties realized they could use this fake issue

NOTHING STOPPED YOU FROM WALKING INTO WHATEVER RESTROOM YOU WANTED BEFORE THIS, AND NOTHING WILL STOP YOU AFTER. That is literally it, end of discussion. You could have walked into a restroom 5 years ago and been creepy. You would have been charged with a myriad of crimes but guess what? You still will be charged!

There’s all this fear of trans-women, but you just as easily forget that there are trans-men out there, some of whom, after years of transitioning, are hairy, muscular men—with vaginas. You do realize that these “bathroom laws” mandate that these trans-men are now supposed to enter the women’s restroom, right?

I’m one of those fellow weirdos who could tell when a tv was turned on across the house by the high-pitched whine it made. It hasn't happened since CRTs were phased out though.

I thought the “late eating” warning was debunked... ie, it doesn’t matter if you eat late (from a dieting perspective). Certainly, if such activity gives you heartburn or whatever, then be wary of that... but otherwise it seems fine. Anecdotally, in my case, I sleep better on a full stomach (I get less heartburn)...

The photo is clearly Phyllis Coates and George Reeves. The movie featured Kirk Alyn and Noel Neill.

Additionally, you are correct in that the Black and white shot is of Phyllis Coates - but the actress seated on the train is Noel Neill. Neither of the actors pictured in the old photo are in the film. Kirk Alyn (Superman in the Serials before George Reeves took on the role, and Noel Neill are playing Lois Lane’s

The video shows two arrows pointing to Noelle and whomever on the train in Superman the movie; uses two arrows to point to (is that Phyllis Coates or Noel Neill?) and whomever saying “these people” then cuts to a scene pointing from The Adventures of Superman and pointing those same arrows at the same actress and

It’s great that ScreenRant used a photo of Kirk Alyn and Noel Neill in their original roles of Superman and Lois, from the Columbia serials.

Not sure if someone already pointed this out, but one of the last sentences in this article is incorrect. The cost of fraud has never been the network’s responsibility (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover). Either the issuer or the merchant is liable. The issuer is liable if it has not issued EMV cards and the merchant

It’s also a problem with how they’re being used in the US. In the rest of the world, it’s Chip+PIN, so you have to enter a four-digit PIN every time you make a transaction. In the US, it’s Chip and Sign, which is dumb as hell.

Those are not “official” abbreviations. They are official postal abbreviations, sure. AP style (which gawker loosely uses, and most real news outlets definitely abide by) uses the 3 letter abbreviations.

I had laser eye surgery about 10 years ago. They did not give me a Valium but honestly I was OK without it (this is coming from a person who can’t even do contacts without freaking out). Honestly the procedure itself wasn’t that bad, the recovery suuuuuuuuucked. This was back in the day of bladed surgery so recovery

As a Pakistani-American, I think it’s both sad and hilarious that people like you think that this is not my country and that I don’t belong here, yet somehow your handle on the English language is considerably worse than mine.

We here on the internet thank you for your copy-and-paste response.

It’s ok bc our infrastructure is sooooo shitty that it takes forever to download anything close to 2 GB.

I’ve wanted to do that, but never have.
When I one guy politely that his screen was distracting me, he told me “Don’t let it bother you.” So I put my feet up on his chair right next to his head, not touching him. When he turned around, I said “Don’t let it bother you.”