
But don’t except to hail a flying ride tomorrow.

My aunt, who was a claims adjuster for over 40 years, drilled into me as a new driver to “never swerve!”  Toward the end of her career, she was responsible to bodily injury claims, and shared many a picture of a mangled car with me to prove her point.

The way the law reads around here, entering the intersection, even on a green light, without being able to clear the intersection pretty much right away is illegal. So, pulling out and waiting until it is red and the oncoming cars stop before you make your left turn is against the law. I am not sure it is ever

The way the law reads around here, entering the intersection, even on a green light, without being able to clear the intersection pretty much right away is illegal. So, pulling out and waiting until it is red and the oncoming cars stop before you make your left turn is against the law. I am not sure it is ever

For the Atlanta area, that’s a whole lot of BS. A few weeks ago, the average around the NE part of the Atlanta Metro was between $2.209 and $2.309 per gallon. Then, a couple of weeks ago, it jumped to nearly every station in the same area having a price of $2.499. And, on Monday, it jumped to $2.699 per gallon for

I thought all this 600 MHz talk was before 5G. While I realize 5G has been in the works for a bit, it was never mentioned when the talk of changing TV frequencies began a few years ago. All the recently released non-5G phones support Band 71 (600 MHz), which T-Mobile refers to as Extended Range LTE, not 5G. For

My Note10+ is just about the same size as my Note9 was, so it still fits in my pocket.  So, up to a point, I get this push.  However, we are at the limit of what will fit in a pocket, now, I think, so I’m not sure how much farther they can go with the screen size and still keep it pocketable, unless the foldable

I do not doubt you’ve had that experience, but, my experience, in general, has been that when 75/85 gets bad, it gets incredibly bad, and there is nowhere to escape to.  285 has some alternatives, at least, when there is something going on that snarls traffic, badly.  And, I think the difference in time outweighs the

Stay off the interstates in the Atlanta metro area during rush hours (Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.), if at all possible. Don’t go through the city on I-85/I-75, unless you need to stop inside the I-285 perimeter (or, it’s the middle of the night, when there is the least

I tried with Drive and Gmail, and cannot get this to work on my Note 9.  Any trick to it?

I never said that!  LOL!  

Exactly, and he’s essentially already owned one: The Bonneville SE is the same engine and body style. I had the SSE trim, and, while it was nice for it’s time, like everyone is saying, it’s time means the Buick is no longer up to today’s standards of equipment. Sure, the 3800 was an incredible engine, but so is the

I get emails threatening me with the “video of you and the porn you were watching” being sent out to all my contacts if I don’t send them a bunch of money via bitcoin all the time. The funny part is that I have never watched porn on the only laptop I use, so it’s not possible for that to exist.

Adding an apostrophe and an “S” to words does not make them plural.  Sorry, but it’s a pet peeve!

Interesting: I did not recall using my current email address with CafePress, but it shows as part of the data breach on Have I Been Pwned, so I went and tried to reset my password.  CafePress says, as I expected, that I do not have an account under that email.  So, now I have to wonder how accurate the breach data is.

I agree, as the use of “myself” seems to have, incorrectly, been accepted into the language as an objective pronoun, rather than a reflexive pronoun.

We have this sound bar and love it! When watching movies with Atmos, I keep thinking I’m hearing something coming from outside the house, since the sound does not appear to be coming directly from the speakers. It’s a very rich sound, and the bluetooth feature for playing music from a phone works well.

We have this sound bar and love it! When watching movies with Atmos, I keep thinking I’m hearing something coming

I had formal training, but only after I had developed a somewhat fast hunt and peck technique. Turns out, holding my hands at the proper positions and “touch-typing” hurts my hands. So, I’ve continued with my fast hunt and peck method, which is faster than it used to be. I scored 51 wpm, but, back in the day when I

...house (Guard won’t be active while you’re home).

I’ve been getting non-stop emails making me offers to take down my 1-star review of a product sold by a Chinese company. It got so bad, I even contacted Amazon, and they told me the seller no longer had an account, which was a lie. They are still selling the item, along with everything else they sell, and they still