
A couple of Nissan SR20s would pull a premium one week before Race Wars.

That’s fair.

My Focus RS does 185, I lost my license, now I can’t drive...

If you have to ask you can't afford it

What would happen if the limiter was removed? How fast would it go then?

Thanks bro! Here’s to a better 2018! May you better your time at your favorite track, finally mate that Diesel engine to a manual trans, drop into the 10s, achieve FTD, make it thru that mud pit/ crest that hill, or find that Holy Grail piece of elusive trim for your oddball project car: whatever your Jalop passion

I only got ~115( indicated; not GPS) out of my non-turbo 4, but I did get a ticket for going >up< a local notoriously steep mountain @100mph.

I hope we get to see this Pantera brought back from the Cemetery Gates.

For the love of God, why? I’ve been to war. There is nothing good or glorious about it. Yet Trump has to wave his dick around, which will only get a lot of good people killed. He already dropped a MOAB in the middle of a diplomatic crisis with Russia, signaling that he will go all the way up to using nuclear weapons,

Jesus Krist.

♪I wish I could eat those toppings before they turn black♪

“Heart-Shaped Pizza” was the best Pearl Jam song. RIP Curt.

“Robert E. Lee” came in second.

And congratulate McMike on what has to be his tenth #COTD.

Classic status for insurance just means it’s old, and seldom driven.

I had a friend who was murdered in high school, and I still give a toast to him anytime I'm drinking. It will have been thirteen years ago this April. It feels like it was yesterday.

It helps immensely, my 3 wheeler is 9” wider than stock and it’s crazy how stable it is. Mine is also extended about 4” which helps a lot too. At a certain point though going wide makes it tougher to turn, mine is certainly pushing that limit, especially when the front wheel is on slippery ground.

that music is so goddamn 90's