
Right? “And second, I, as an adult man, have not slept with a 17-year-old.” Sleeping with a 17-year old when you are 17 is still rape, you melted popsicle.

since when is a person’s charity, or lack thereof, and indicator of wealth? there’s tons of very rich people who, if they donate at all, donate amounts representing millions of a percentage of their total wealth. it’s not because they’re secretly poor. it’s because they want to donate more. they rich in money, not in

I’m so sorry for your loss and for the fact that your pain was exacerbated in this way. 

There is a legitimate discussion to be had about the allocation of scarce resources. I don’t think the answer is “LOL let ‘em all die,” but an argument can be made that those who work against goals shouldn’t be prioritized. An argument could also be made that those who work against goals SHOULD be prioritized, since

Seriously STFU. Have you been to Texas? Or Montana? Taking the trip with California plates really opened my eyes as to how much hate a large population of folks in red states have for “libtards”. And it’s even worse when you’re brown.

Hey, the “working class” are exactly the people who elected these clowns. They sowed the wind - let them reap the whirlwind.
To all the good ole boys & girls: the line for the ICU forms on the right (of course). Yee-hah!

While “competent” isn’t glowing praise, it might as well be...” No its b.s. praise by someone who cant bring themselves to write an entire article on Biden without snark even when he performs well. Especially when their only critique seems to be, “he wont use the exact words I want him to use because he is wisely

Why not her? ‘Cause Bernie couldn’t sit his old-ass down. Most of his supporters aren’t interested in well-thought out, nuanced policy. They just want the fantasy, that he’d get elected (despite not being nearly as popular as his supporters think he is), and he’d just wave his magic, socialist wand, and M4A would

Again I found myself why not her?

Warren was once a teacher and is a mother. But she is also a law professor and a United States Senator. She ran for president. She is bigger than just a talking head for gendered issues. But Wednesday night, she was presented as a gentle caricature of a woman likely designed to attract on the fence Democrats and less

Very shortly after Covid landed in the US a Trump supporter managed to catch it and drag it into my office. While burning with fever, he claimed that Covid was a hoax. Eventually, 10 out of 15 of us had it. All of us survived, but one of us was on a respirator in the hospital for a while. It was a very close thing.

The greatest contribution Cain ever made to this society is dying. Fuck Herman Cain into the furthest corner of Hades. And may Donald Trump cozy up next to him in the near future.

It’s not like other small businesses could’ve benefitted from such a generous loan or anything...

I don’t need a conversation about the cycle of abuse if no other famous abusers need a conversation about the cycle of abuse. Did you need one for Bill Cosby? Did you need one for Weinstein? Why is Corey special? There have been dozens of articles written about this weirdo, he cannot stay out of the media. He has the

“The world is outraged about racial injustice and the pandemic is finally forcing people to acknowledge the vast divide between the few rich and the many poor. There are protests active, at this moment, in cities across the world.

“C...O...G...and we love spelling, don’t we folks? The vowels and the continents and the big, big words. And I know words, probably better than dictionaries. In fact, I had a dictionary doctor tell me once that they thought I should’ve become a dictionary since I knew such good word spelling. And I had a word come up

Maybe the couple who “saved” the dog might have taken a few minutes to ask Haas if he or his pet needed any extra help like money, food, etc. instead of taking it upon themselves to steal the guy’s companion. I mean, I dunno...are there any vets that do free\low cost work to help out poor and homeless folks who have

“Never having struggled, never having been dishonest, and never having spoken positively of an alleged abuser.”

Oh, my Instagram feed would beg to differ. People who literally stopped posting photos of their families or work achievements and only post crossfit now.