
The state governments of Florida, Illinois and Arizona really boned this. I mean, I get that Florida is huge and that Illinois was holding down ballot primaries, but there’s something inherently disenfranchising about federal and state governments telling people they have to stay home and away from crowds while those

This honestly isn’t true, because the demographics Sanders has staked his campaign on are unreliable voters. They couldn’t even carry him to the Democratic nomination, much less carry him to victory in a general election. Frankly, as much as it pains Bernie’s fans to hear, Biden has more of a chance of appealing to

Yeah no, the primary is not over, I don’t need the residents of Iowa and New Hampshire speaking for me.

Donald Trump is a flaming pile of shit 

I’d love to watch a foreign version of Undercover Boss.

I’m not in either of the extremist camps, but I’m closer to the thumbs down side. Considering he admitted to perpetrating non-consensual sex I think your “bottom-feeding ghouls” dig is really beyond beyond from somebody talking about others being “nuance deficient.” Are you a Steelers fan, also? There are some people

Just as Tom Brady’s obituary will mention Deflategate and Darryl Strawberry’s will cover his struggles with substance abuse, it is journalistic malpractice to sum up Bryant’s life and career without mentioning the credible rape allegations.

This is by far the most honest and affecting thing I have read today. Thanks for sharing your sophisticated perspective on a thread that badly needed it. 

The first thing I thought of was when he raped that woman in Colorado. She was not able to push forward with her testimony because of all of the threats against her.  Nobody cared about her welfare, only that of their sports idol.

First and foremost he was a brilliant writer of short fiction; second, he was, his entire professional life here in Norway, bullied a lot for his speech impediment.

On the other hand, do you think there may be some medical benefits in consuming the flesh of a person who has recently completed a steroid cycle? Mind you, I’m not hating. Those guys worked hard. But they’re totally chemically enhanced. You don’t turn from late 30s-early to mid 40s schlub to having 15 lb. of extra

Your mom seems better at your job than you. 

Let’s get some more baby bees in the hive! 

I'll be shocked if Ghislaine is still alive in two months.  I know that's dark and conspiracy-minded, but this shit is so deeply fucked up.

Not good enough. Take a friend who is going to vote Democrat and kill a ‘Pube before they can get to the polls.

Oh, how convenient.

Robert Mueller is being asked to testify yet again. He said he could only stick to the Report, & that is what he would and must do. After so much testimony & total transparency, this Witch Hunt must now end. No more Do Overs. No Collusion, No Obstruction. The Great Hoax is dead!

Counterpoint: Blue Ivy is fine, and your feigned obsession with a child is idiotic and played out.

The most impressive part of the discussion was when Biel presented the findings of her research, done while she was in medical school.

I will never not love Tina for so many reasons. She created the first TV show that ever truly spoke to my sense of humor and made me laugh out loud every single episode (30 Rock, obvs). It felt like a revelation to me, after years of being saddled with shows that were missing an inclusiveness I could never quite put