hangin with seneca crane2

Not everyone with a dissenting opinion (or an unkind one) is automatically a troll. I was thinking the same thing, that this woman had to be horrifically unhealthy to not realize she was pregnant and then deliver a child who so clearly is a product of gestational diabetes (a condition usually caught in the second

I have to disagree.

Here's the thing. I consider myself someone who is very LBGT friendly. Relatively speaking. I am staunchly pro gay-marriage. I know that it's not a choice, or a lifestyle. I understand that there is a difference between outwards appearance, and gender identity. I think there should be harsh laws on par with hate

How long until this is a primary ad? Imagine that steely-sounding voice that you know from doing all of those negative ad voiceovers:

After watching Perry flounder about and get swallowed up by a sea of flashy props, I suspect Swift is having the last laugh.

I'm sure she's a lovable button! But thank you for being reasonable! Fanciness doesn't make a dog better—mutts are actually smarter and more badass :o)

See, my mother is a dog breeder—I know, I know, I wholeheartedly disapprove and am an extremely active rescuer, myself—and I don't understand how a Labrador/Poodle mutt is considered a special $1000 dog. "Designer dog" is churched-up talk for "mutt" and contributes to overpopulation and euthanasia. So disgusted by

It isn't necessarily conducive to defending your self. But in all fairness if someone mugs you, reaching quickly for something would probably get you shot before you could recover and ready the weapon anyways.

Awwwww :D Look at those eyes! What a couple of dolls.

Thank you. These guys are my pride and joy. I don't think people understand how bad puppy mill life can be. Oscar came out so terrified of people that he soiled himself if you got too close to him. He wouldn't eat or drink until absolute desperation set in. He shook like a leaf all the time. I was on the verge

Mine were puppy mill rescues and one was a "designer dog". A Cockapoo, which at the time was a very popular breed. He had a lazy eye, so he went into the mill reject pile. Ugh. Sweetest dog I've ever had.

but thank god Tyler perry is there, right?

The truth is that Kat Callahan is not a very good writer. She can turn a phrase all right, but she has big problems with expressing her opinions. Case in point: she often resorts to responding to criticism with "I didn't mean it that way, and you should understand that". She is also very dogmatic, she takes a

Why don't you think it worked? More people are now aware of another example of "family values" hypocrisy than before. More people are now aware of Alabama's stance on gay marriage than before. And possibly future assholes will hesitate a bit longer before trotting out their faux love of family values.

I think you did.

"But you can't help your fellow LGBT+ Alabamans if you end up charged with slander, and potentially censured by your fellows."

Elected officials are representatives of their constituency. You have decided that the important constituency here is instead all LGBT+ Alabamians. I don't know why you've

It seems a little unfair to place the well-being of all the LGBT+ Alabamians on the shoulders of Rep Todd here. And gosh are you condescending the way you address her in your last paragraph.

Kat, lip gloss, nail polish, etc. ARE female-related. It is not historical for a man (a person who identifies as a man) to wear those things. Now I don't have a problem with anyone wearing those things (and in fact I have a male cousin who wears makeup and nail polish and he looks great) but it's clearly

You however ARE in the minority of opinions. The 1% minority who constantly whine about their lot in life.

I respect Taylor's decision not to show off her body so much, but if I had her body, I would show it off A LOT. Also, this is definitely not the first time she's shown off her belly button so idky people are freaking out. Just Google "taylor swift bikini".

Yeah, it looks awkward. I remember when Taylor used to wear something like that. It just looks like you're wearing a diaper with patterns on it. If you're going to show off your middle section, go belly button or go home.