hangin with seneca crane2

One day, I too can surgically remove the parts of me that don't look good in old white men's clothing. #DreamBig #ShootForTheMoon

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I honestly can't tell if this is more or less appropriate, but it was the first thing I thought about.

You are by far the weirdest person I've met on here. Why do you care so much about Jennifer Aniston? Did she commit war crimes? Was she supplying drugs to Bill Cosby to rape all those women? Is she anti-vaxx? This is seriously the weirdest thing I've ever discussed on here with the weirdest personal accusations.

You are not Mithraken.

The day was cold and she did not know how far she walked but still she was here. The latte was not nearly so good as the ones she once drank in a small cafe well off the Croque-Monsieur. But she was here and it was good. The latte was worthy and she was glad.

Any lady with some belly and these pants will forever hate Kendall Jenner for selling her on these pants.

like lol ok

I'm with your husband on this one. I do not know why McDonald's continues to offer a milkshake as a menu option when it would appear that the entirety of the McDonald's universe is stocked with non-functioning milkshake machines. I am only marginally ashamed to admit that I have written a letter to their corporate


I like the wordplay of "foaming" at the mouth at the lack of latte milk froth. She's a gem.


Um I agree and idk why everyone is freaking out. Like, we see enough of Miley and Katy's boobs to have our fill for the year.

If only my man could "age poorly" like Brad Pitt...

I really hope you are secretly Jon Voight.

I disagree. I think people hate her because she's not a great actress or a stunning beauty and she has been shoved down our collective throat as this hilarious talented gorgeous actress. I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid on that one, and I get really irritated about it.

Yeeeeah, if she didn't feed into that image to maintain her celebrity cache, I'll eat my shoe. Like, I get it, she's human and she's done with it now. But let's not act like it wasn't a happy partnership with the tabloids, at least in terms of her status. The fact is that she has made mediocre films with underwhelming

As a woman, I would definitely be uncomfortable having to use a bathroom that was for men's use, as well. I would not feel especially safe.

I am a married woman with kids who is proud to be a total cat lady. So there.

Seriously, and not for nothing but most people I know manage to find nice things to say about Jen AND Angelina, because they are both talented women and good people and they're both super-pretty and blarrggggh. This "team" nonsense is for Yahoo commenters.

It is, but I don't see shade in this instance. If asked she just asked about the two of them, it makes sense what she said about Iggy as Iggy's race and how that plays into her being a real hip hop artist is a big part of the discussion about her. It just seems that Jezebel is reaching casue they have a problem with