hangin with seneca crane2

So...Nelly has apple bottomed out?

Hmm, the only difference I can see between Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose is that Kim actually had something on film worth watching.


You don't think it's possible to point out that slut-shaming is wrong and hypocritical without stooping to it? That's more facile than I would've expected from you.

This. We get it, the Kardashians are obnoxious, bottom-feeding trash. But that doesn't mena that anyone fighting with them needs to be elevated to hero status. Especially not some chick who - just like Kim Kardashian - is only famous because of who she's fucked. And now, for fighting with the family of the woman her

I gave up SM for lent last year because I couldn't handle the negativity. None of it was directed at me, but just reading it, getting sucked into comments where people said things like "kill yourself" or "X Celeb is an ugly cunt and I hope her babies get cancer" just sucked the life out of me. I couldn't handle that


Team nobody. That Simpson jab was a bridge too far after the lame memes. Sorry, I want to like Amber and Khloe is the best of an annoying crew but, really? This was a mess from day one and Amber killed whatever goodwill she had with the OJ line.

Yeah, nope. #Teamnobody. Amber wasn't really in the wrong at first, but she beat a fucking dead horse will the memes and the OJ Simpson shit and seems just as thirsty for attention as any Kardashian. While I always defer to your judicial rulings on Shade, I'm gonna have a throw a coach's challenge flag on this

this is a formal request to ban all images that juxtapose harry styles with justin bieber.

There is nothing cute, even accidentally, about Miley's pasty outfit. Bad makeup, bad wig, off-center pasties. Bad bad bad.

I'm firmly on #teamgetthefuckofftwitter and also #teamgrowup.

Amber is the realest of the really, really real. Did you know that? There's nothing self-serving about her comments. She's just a righteous woman standing up for her friend. She has no ax to grind with anyone in the Kardashian family. Nope, Amber is a feminist heroine defeating one Kardashian/Jenner at a time and

Whatever, Azealia. Keep posting your nonsense because the only way you get attention is by sniping at others and being "edgy" by using slurs. Queen Badu's got better things to do.

and as expected, Kanye made it all about himself when he tried to explain Noth tantrum at his show. Lol

North West is Everything.

Give me photosynthesis or give me death.

Um, I think less SWF and more cute old married couple in matching sweatsuits. if these ladies are not in a committed relationship, my little old lady heart will be broken.

Honestly, I think it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for Nicki. If she said she was a feminist, there would be "She claims she's a feminist when she does XYZ!" articles. If she said she's not a feminist, there would be "How can any woman say she's not a feminist!?" articles. Not answering seems to