hangin with seneca crane2

shake it off, just shake it off

Salt Lake. The cool thing about Sundance is it has the Park City showings (which is all about show business people and would-be show business people networking with each other and being unbearable) but it also shows movies at the indie theaters in Salt Lake, which is always tons of fun and infinitely less douchey.

Sometimes it takes the glimpse of how ridiculously happy you can be to walk away from how miserable you are.

Sometimes it's not clear just how bad your relationship is until you experience something more normal. That can be a huge wake up call.

I guess she's a 'cool mom'!

It seems like if one is even slightly critical of any Israeli policy, people start throwing accusations of antisemitism. I tend not to bring up Israel to any of my Jewish friends because I am afraid of being called a bigot or antisemitic. You can be critical of a government and its policies and not be antisemitic.

This is now how I picture you.

No need to apologize for that comment with that photo included.

Goodnight, Irene
Goodnight, Irene
I'll see you in my dreams.

I'm quite sure that people get a mouth full of poop bacteria during cunnilingus, too. They're very close and poop bacteria creeps into the vag all the time (that's why eating yogurt helps with yeast infections). I still think it's terribly gross, but then I don't lick women's vag's.

Soon as I saw this, I said, no WHEY!

I was just trying to but also pointing out historical aspects as well and how they used that backward thinking to their advantage.

She's white. Which means she's Hitler

As a man, I can say I had no idea about the chunk thing. I live with a wife and two teenage daughters and now every time I see a box of tampons left out on the counter I will be thinking of chunks.

Good joke. I'd like to hear it once a month.

Said the same thing. Exactly. Fucking asshole writers.

Sometimes I feel like the conversation around Iggy Azalea crosses the line between genuine criticism and just plain bullying. The way people have been handling this situation is one of those times.

So, what I"m taking from this is that Jez commenters would answer the question, "How do you feel about doxing?" with "Depends, is it somebody I like or I don't?" Taylor Swift? OMG! How dare they violate my precious snowflakes basic human rights!!!??? She is so special and kind and wonderful and nobody, NOBODY,

Well, that's what happens when you irresponsibly eat pizza. If she didn't want to be called, she shouldn't have given out her number. What was she wearing when she opened the door? Did she subliminally make it seem like she wanted to be called? Sometimes men just can't help but call. She should have been more

Her humor seems to be very dry and sarcastic.