hangin with seneca crane2

How are these puppies being distributed to the people

opera audience is more judgier then musical audience, due to musical audience is based on a broader spectrum

If someone looks at that statement and takes it as "oh, I, a struggling young artist, will just get 75% of my notes right because Idina fucking Menzel once said that's what she tells herself to reassure herself, then I will succeed" then probably that person isn't going to make it big in any sort of profession.

What's the othe....oh. Never mind. :-)

Taylor, you are one amazing betch.

Seriously? You can't see why going to a place of worship where you know the rules before you arrive and deliberately flaunting these rules is rude, tacky, and immature as hell? I think that forbidding ankle showing is stupid. But Gomez knew the rules. If she didn't want to abide by the rules of the place she went on

My mother is a drama queen to the Nth degree. When my son was little, she often tried to drag him into her drama. One afternoon, she was going on about something, and he looked at her and said, "Nana, go be sad somewhere else." LOL

The following conversation occurred while I was getting my three-year old son ready for bed last night:

Don't we all want to go to Arkansas just a little?

Four year old daughter to Daddy on Christmas morning: "I love you more than 129 rocket ships!"

We have two-year old twin boys and a six month old boy.

And I hope yours stops being an imperial superpower that directly benefits and endorses slave labour so that you can enjoy cheap clothes, the illusion of democracy, and a sense of smug self righteousness.

they can, obviously. that wasnt even my point. solidarity with the oppressed is ALWaYS welcome. but saying 'fuck kendall jenner' for not 'educating herself' because she's on a vacation in dubai is not solidarity, it is hypocrisy, because most nations in the world are equally shitty - with oppressed people & privileged

You are not being too personal or nosy at all and I'll try and answer to the best of my ability :)

I am sure you are quite lovely and very stylish. I am also positive that you have a million things that are more important to offer the world than being either lovely or stylish. But most of all, I am certain that when lemon made this comment in jest - bringing to mind the stereotypical mother with her out of date

Clearly, you know very little about the region if that's how you understand it. Not only do you know little about the region - you also know little about the rest of the world.

Meh - you literally see as many women in hotpants as in burkhas.

From someone who lives in Dubai - you are welcome to never visit and live in your house of hypocrisy. Hope the view is great.

Yeah! Stay home and vacation in the good ol' US of A. A plutocracy built on slave labour!

The Jezebel Commentariat's War on Funny continues.