hangin with seneca crane2

I'd like to say it requires KFC mashed potatoes and gravy in a slurpee cup sipped through a straw, but I could be wrong.

when I was mad at my brother I'd call him "my sibling" or if I was talking to my parents "your son" but I was a really fucking weird kid

I don't have a kitten, but I do have a hedgehog!

I find it hilarious that you blast her for printing up a pamphlet "with errors in it", when you made an error yourself that should not be made by anyone who passed the second grade.

Okay, still on the Selena Gomez song: "But I can't imagine a life without Breathless moments Breaking me down down down"


nah i'd be mad if I had to constantly look for ways to paint myself as the victim to feel better about myself

I thought it said Ryan Lochte at first and was not surprised.

thats vulgar :/

no they havent and if they do i will be like FUCK OFF GHOSTS

Candy era Mandy is the best Mandy and the best era. I will literally never ever forget.

He's going to the shelter to find his forever home.

I'm kind of dealing with this from the outside right now. Two friends broke up when the guy cheated on the girl. The guy is my roommate and was a closer friend to me. But she is awesome and is clearly the person in the right.

I've condemned his actions to him, and he's acknowledged and apologized for how unforgivable

The fact that Bill Maher calls her a real-life friend despite their completely opposite worldviews speaks volumes.

You deserve all of the stars for your perfect pun.


buy pop rap albums

Balmain is not my jam but goddamn, this is a beautiful couple.