hangin with seneca crane2

And I'm telling you she's enjoying success in spite of her "whiteness". Yes, she won an AMA. And Nikki Minaj won in 2012. And Justin Beiber won an AMA for best pop/rock album. Neither of whom would be considered by most to be the most authentic representative of their respective genres. The simple truth is, neither

Fresh Beets is mad that the fonts here are black.

No Ms Portman, your acting nearly destroyed your acting career.

I'm starting to think a lot of black people in the south don't distinguish between Latino and white. Sense moving to this god forsaken region I've been called white girl, cracker bitch. White devil, and whittie. Pretty much all from women who wouldn't let me do their hair. (Even though I was the natural hair

No damn kidding. The guy is a parasite. He doesn't care about this kid, he just cares about getting on TV.

First thing you should do is get rid of Quanell X.

Your assumption here is a problem. You assume that the commenter is looking for a prize. They aren't. They are saying they don't need to apologize for sympathy and empathy which is offered without reward to all walks of life. That the automatic assumption (on your part, it would seem) that they are saying these

Hang on. Reading TO a nine year old? wtf?

I'm white and not american and haven't seen it. What has white got to do with anything? I get very confused on this site and it's white/black fights.

Plus it lets Griphook see that Harry treats the 'lesser creatures' differently to many wizards. Without that he may never have agreed to help them get into Gringots. Dobby's death indirectly leads to Voldemort's defeat.

Your boyfriend at the time is either the worst person in the whole world, or a Death Eater. Or both.

I wouldn't say "pointless". His unceremonious death, like many similar deaths in book 7, are what really sell the last installment as a wartime story. These characters that you spent 6 books are suddenly getting picked off like flies, and the sense of urgency that gives the story is pretty brilliant actually.


just a reminder to everyone that taylor is better than everyone you know personally in your life. just a fact.

But in the cab company's defense, they are claiming Alexis had worn a lot of make up which made her look older, which is clearly a steaming crock of shit.

Here cums Honey Bang-Bang!

Fat hatred is real; it is terrible and should be stomped out. That said: Making Mama June the fat hill you (the general you) want to die on? That's like animal rights people making Ingrid Newkirk their hill. Long story short, find better hills.

Someone's a sour bean. :((((

I love me some cushion for the pushin' as much as the next guy, but "Brainbleach not included" better come on the cover of Mama June's sextape.

I lost my virginity to the guy I'm engaged to now so I'm not embarrassed about that but I barely knew the guy at the time and I lost it while we were watching "Knocked Up".