hangin with seneca crane2

You should check out this site "Rejected Princesses: Women too Awesome, Awful, or Offbeat for Kids' Movies."

A whole site devoted to posts such as these!!


My second favorite day teaching 6th graders Catholicism was the day I pointed to Africa/Asia on the map and said, "What various colors of skin do most people living here have? Now readjust your visions of the characters in the Bible accordingly please."

I'm sorry. While I understand your concern (and want to assure you I didn't have an iron stomach before I started working at Ye Olde Jezebele), this headline (IN UNDER 70 CHARACTERS) is also some of my best work. I wish there was a "Headline Awards" thing I could send this to and bring home the trophy for all of us


In my experience, I don't know of any Egyptians who refer to themselves as black.

Give it a few weeks.

"Child porn is illegal because it can be morally corrupting" or you know, because it involves violating actual children in it's production...

You're either a rilly smart troll or a rilly stupid cockfart.

You have to bweak fwee fwom being a hater.

Yes, but satire isn't easy, as Kara just showed us.

Kara, I know you're just being funny and not totally serious and using Tay Tay as a way to highlight something that's been talked about around here for awhile, White people with zero Black friends. I love you and this is just a little constructive criticism: Don't. Do. This. Again.

According to the rather extensive German press coverage the attacker punched her head, she fell and hit her head on the hard pavement. It is unclear at this point whether her extensive head injuries were caused by the punch or by her fall. It is also unclear whether he meant to kill her or 'just' wanted to beat her

Maybe, just maybe, she doesn't share your sensibilities.

Alcohol is a factor in a majority of domestic violence cases. I don't understand why they seem to be implying that it excuses the behavior.

Political Damage Control Playbook, Rule #10: Always mention prayer or faith. It makes a great kevlar vest against criticism for 'waffling' 'flip-flopping' or 'back-pedaling'. If you have a local pastor or religious leader, mention their name or have them appear beside you on camera for further padding.

Apparently she was drunk earlier in the day, took a nap to sleep it off, and woke up to find her boyfriend munching on the spread while she was asleep. And that's when she flew into a rage.

Precisely. I have no emotional investment in her at all. But I think she's horrifically untalented and still managed to make a gajillion dollars not emoting in a terrible series of brain-rotting movies. Which is a bit of a puzzlement.

I'm not sure it's dislike. I think it's more bewilderment that an actress with such little range could become so big.

My daughter's preschool class listed what each child was thankful for. Most kids said mommy/daddy or their house or even the family dog. My kid? She was thankful for jewels. Four years from now, she'll be the kid thankful for dead people.