hangin with seneca crane2

Yeah, because everyone has to forfeit all wealth for the last 400 years to prove they're not down with racism.

He doesn't seem to fit the George Zimmerman mold of paranoid racist, no.

Excellent points, how dare you bring logic and sense into this argument.

I've yet to hear any other reason for the cop being labeled a racist. He may well be but you'd think if there were other situations that came up to make him look racist we would have heard about them by now.

it was a shot gun wedding

I'm going to ask an HONEST question here (and may regret it). Is the only evidence that Darren Wilson is racist that he killed a black teenager? He had no prior disciplinary actions, and I don't believe that I've heard other allegations of racist activity (unless one believes that being a member of the Ferguson police

Basically, you don't want anyone trying to inculcate values in the black community — not whites, not other African-Americans. I guess you're content to see young black men continue to gun each other down in the streets, or get into deadly altercations with cops.

I'm #TeamBette

I can't read "Jinger" without pronouncing like it rhymes with "ringer".

It's just you, dude. Dial back the outrage engine: this is the time honoured tradition of singers spatting.

i agree robbery doesn't warrant death... but thats not why he was shot.

white people thoughts: um, you're not a slave. you're welcome.

Any Adams seems like a delightful person, but good lord is she a terrible actress. And she has about as much in common with Janis Joplin as i have with Oprah. I just don't see that movie going well.

describing Robin Thicke as "the human version of a white leather couch" just made my week. I like to think of him, along with Adam Levine and John Mayer, as part of this three-piece set:

headline: itsnotthebeer's husband can't satisfy her with a night burrito.


I'm glad you were able to understand that my comparison wasn't saying that adult rape is worse than child rape, or vice versa, but that the repercussions of coming forward are what keeps both children and adults from coming forward. Because some other posters took it as a self-absorbed comment about adult rape being

Kara Brown says she is NOT a woman of color, and since Kara takes offense if you don't 100% agree with her on race issues, you best take her word for it!

Girl, you are driving me insane. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD place your images in the order you've written about them, its just good journalistic practise ffs.

I'm fairly liberal, and I really get upset when people's sense of empathy falls along the lines of their political beliefs and the (suspected) beliefs of the other person.