hangin with seneca crane2

Not even gonna lie, I troll these posts to see if crazy is gonna make an appearance.

Are we now 50 shades truthers, a la Ariana Grande is a baby? Cuz I'm all in. This is genius.

No. No. No. Yuck

There's no way to lessen my awfulness: I've noticed Isha hasn't been featured in a few days. Does this mean the least talented writer is gone? Sorry, not sorry. Was never a fan. And several more talented writers were given the night shift while she had the whole weekend. The writing and links to articles were awful.

You have a lot of self righteous rage directed toward a teenager you don't even know.

the response you got was inappropriate. Considering how often the writers here throw out the words racism and cultural appropriation over even the most mundane shit, you were right to call them out.

have you read the tagline for the site?

I'm sure it was sarcasm setting as how she laughs and smiles plenty. Not saying that I've seen any of the shows to know that this is true. A little birdie told me...

Yes but she also eats like a bird according to the tabloids. She and Starbucks cup with cat ears could both be adopted by kimye. Think of the possibilities.

I thought that was TSwift

brilliant and oh so true

Atlanta is terrible. Most overrated city I've been to this far (US cities).

That's not funny though

I'm gonna go with they're equally asshole-ish

You tell those ghosts!

Then the world would cease spinning and then implode. WHY WOULD YOU WISH THAT ON US ADULTOSCROOGE?? Have the ghosts of Christmas not yet visited you and warmed your cold heart?

Like, no

This is beyond completely brilliant

Oh gosh, this perfectly describes my day today. off topic, but still so perfect.

I don't think she's evil, but she's definitely dumb and an asshole. She refuses to treat any attempts of discourse as an opportunities to educate herself, and just dismisses it as people hating on her. Her lyrics and tweets contain blatantly racial slurs which she doesn't apologize for. Her sense of entitlement seems