hangin with seneca crane2

Haha! The best you can come up with is a lame fedora reference? I don't own or wear fedoras much less hats in general. You continue to prove how much of an idiot you are. Bingo!

And how convenient that you're still an asshole with nothing of value to add to a conversation and immediately labeling someone as racist simply because they expressed an opinion you didn't care for. Good day, internet stranger.

Eh, I read up on it. Still more classist. Maybe in some countries it has recital bias like South Africa, but the poster wasn't being racist in this sense. Educate yourself on the context in which the statement was made, especially after the poster said they would make that same statement to anyone regardless of race.

Thanks for being patronizing because someone doesn't agree with you. Educate yourself on how not to be a condescending asshole.

How on earth is judging grammar racist? Classist yes, but racist?

Natalie Portman is a terrible actress. That's why she was terrible in Star Wars

I salute you for putting up with that BS. I think I would've developed permanent open mouth insert foot syndrome.

Yes. Not sure if it's one of those mother / son bonding things, or maybe she polices what her son reads bc omg life may be revealed. My mom and I still read aloud occasionally when I was that age, but it was definitely a bonding thing and bc we both loved to read.

No. Don't do that to yourself

Yes it was his fault. He obviously didn't give her snowflake the treatment she deserved. If he had just kept those other kids from buzzing in so fast with those right answers, then little darling snowflake would've not been in the red. DUH.

This woman isn't protecting her snowflake's feelings, she's shielding her from life. Sometimes a kid's just got to suck it up and learn about disappointment and not being #1 all the time. I'll bet anything that woman is a regular at her daughter's school. And not the good kind of regular who brings in treats for the

Great observation! Never thought of it that way. Dobby's death is even more noble now!

Not everything is a racial issue, no matter how much you may want it to be. I think those pictures are beautiful and sexy, but I understand the OP's point of view. I don't agree with it, but that person is entitled to his/her own opinion without being called a racist when nothing of the sort was even implied in their

She's also probably not as bitter and having more fun in life

There's already Ariana Grande's Clit, so maybe Ariana Grande's Clitter?

Why should pro bdsm porn be banned? It's still 2 adults having consensual sex.

I agree with most, but the post isn't funny. It's trying, but not succeeding.

A dirt bag as the lead story in morning dirt bag. How apropos.

Wow, you went there, and I totally loved it. A+

Due to the lack of butt cracks?