hangin with seneca crane2

Wholeheartedly agree

Logic has no place in this discussion.

She is being supportive of her friend. If you have never cried with your best friend, then you haven't had a real friendship.

Interesting view. I've never thought of it that way as to why people don't ask children why they didn't come forward sooner. The same reasons that could apply to children can definitely be applied to adults.

This is one of the most insightful and well-written pieces that have appeared on this site in quite awhile. Thank you for posting this.

You mean there aren't always racial undertones in every comment or post? Well, I never!

It had nothing to do with his race and everything to do with him being aa known control freak. Not everything is about race as much as you may think it is.

I think she's had several black friends. That's the point of the joke.

But the pacing isn't frenetic and not really funny. the gems of hilarity are far and few between. And certainly not enough to justify the mess of writing.

Um, no. I don't shit on Native Americans, perhaps because my family has been in Texas since it was part of Mexico and my great grandmother was half Texas native? I certainly don't claim to be any sort of expert on the culture, but I do have a sense of pride that I have a bit of that ancestry in my blood. Also not a

Do yyouyou actually understand the intent of settlements? Something about your post makes me think you may not...

What? No. A historical claim to land does not make you entitled to said land. If you're going to use that logic, then the people who were in that land before the Hebrews came have an even greater claim on the land.

This gif is beyond disturbing...

I think it's Doritos flavored. Equally gross

You've been blowing dudes with bad diets if all the semen you've tasted reminds you of brie rinds.

That makes you a good friend. if we all gave up on each other for making poor life decisions, none of us would have any friends.

Your experience is different. Your friend was pretending to be friends with these women while sleeping with their husbands. This OP's friend wasn't friends with the man's wife. Doesn't make it right, but the situations are not the same.

Yes, but the people calling her a shitty person are perfect snowflakes who would never do anything unethical or immoral or make aa bad decision. That's why they get to make the judgment on who is or is not shitty.

This comment is about the only logical one on this post. If the organization does not provide a public service or receive public funds, they are well within their right to decide who can belong to the organization. I get very uncomfortable with the idea that everyone should be accommodated just because someone may be

Because it's their right to do so. It's aa private organization that is not providing services to the public. We may not like the decision, but the rules are not ours to make.