hangin with seneca crane2

It's also her choice whether or not to identify as a feminist.

Yes it is out of line because it's not anyone's decision but Hayek's to make if she wants to label herself a feminist.

It's the fact that you don't address those other incidents that makes your opinion even more terrible

My boss told me the same thing.

I'm surprised the world didn't implode from the awesomeness of those 3 being in the same room.

How is this Islamaphobic? Insensitive, yes, but not quite as extreme as your outrage would indicate.

Eh, not too much there to get worked up about.

You may be correct, which would be unfortunate. The quality of writing is not consistent and the overall tone of the site is not what it used to be. I used to really like Jez, but the direction it's going in is not a good one. Writers like Erin, Rebecca, and Mark keep me coming back.

Agreed to all of the above. My issue with Kara's writing is that she's actually a quite good writer and often has valid points, but she can come across as a but condescending and mean-spirited. Dodai was great at weaving snark and wit in her posts without coming across as being mean. Kara has not mastered that, and

That made me choke on laughter. I never got the Lindy worship. Maybe Kara is trying to be the new Dodai and fails miserably?

Take a chill pill

The author often lacks insight and understanding on many topics she writes about, but I think there is general surprise amongst non-Catholics about the pope saying this. Many assume that all Christians share similar beliefs,when anti science rhetoric is really more a trait of being a fundamentalist protestant

Wat. No. I think you're thinking of right wing evangelicals, unless your association with Catholics is mainly 90-yr-olds who think life was better pre-Vatican II.

Dave claims she made unwanted sexual advances at him, something medication, private eye show, hoiked back to the US. If you can string together a coherent sentence out of that... I'm not drunk enough to even try

I was about 14 when I found out that he also wrote Eureka's Castle. Mind was blown. After reading this, I have the urge to download all the Fear Street books!

If a Drake lyric is all it takes to get you this worked up, please, can we exchange lives? Please don't become the new Lindy and get outraged over nonsense. You're a better writer than that.

Thank you! This faux outrage over a rap lyric from drake is more outrageous than the topic at hand.

Unfortunately, they settle on a sub par writer, rather than utilizing people like Rebecca and Mark.

You must be new to the weekend posts. If it's got faux outrage, misspellings, and no depth, you don't really need to look to see who the writer is.

Your second point makes it seem like the OP should have actually read the part where Sara mentions her friends coined the term...